Page 37 - Demo
P. 37

STEP 2 - Write Your Story
The only requirement is to get, in writing, a description of the perfect solution we’ve imagined... in language that anyone can understand... no technical jargon. There should be no explanation of how anything is done; only what the solution will do and what business functions it will perform. Be sure to include every desire, even if you think it is impossible.
The documentation must simply be a story, a story explaining the situation and the information needed. It must explain who needs what information and when. It must just state the problem and the team’s vision of what the perfect solution would do as far as functionality. It’s that simple.
It’s as simple as Edison’s problem. Edison wanted to create a device that when plugged into electricity would emit light. Everything else was a creative process until his accumulating body of knowledge led him to the solution. He didn’t know what it would look like or how it would be constructed. But he knew he would recognize it when it was created successfully. It was a very simple proposition. He didn’t care what the materials would be. He didn’t care about any standards for creating electrical devices. He didn’t try to engineer anything in advance. He just dove into the

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