Page 39 - Demo
P. 39
STEP 2 - Write Your Story Put Creativity to Work
On the other end of the spectrum is the programmer, the person who will be creating the logic and configuring the technology to satisfy the user’s requirements. He can read and fully understand the document. It does not tell him how to do anything, but it does communicate very effectively the business objective and what is to be delivered. He is now able to create something useful. He is not encumbered by anyone’s idea of what the solution should be from a technical perspective. He is free to begin creating something of value for the user.
In the engineering process all creativity is vested in the hands of the engineer and architect. The process of creating the specifications is the creative part of the process. Once the specifications are complete it just remains to be assembled by the construction workers. There is no need for creativity during the actual construction process. Creativity would be very dangerous. Creativity would introduce errors and flaws into the final product. Any of the construction workers given a free hand to make decision as far as materials or design could wreak havoc with the final product.