P. 43

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            OF  OUR  HISTORY

            6.  Write  true  (T)  or  false  (F)  as  appropriate.

                           The  Pre-Inca  era  includes  the        At  the  time  of  Tahuantinsuyo
                                                                    the  Incas  dominated.
                           arrival  of  the  Spanish.

                            At  the  time  of  the  Viceroyalty        Peruvians  are  free.
                            many  abuses  were  committed.

             Z  Mark  the  correct  alternative.

            7.  At  what  time  was  the  discovery  of  America  made?  8.  Time  in  which  the  Tahuantinsuyo  emerged:
                a)  Inca  period                                 a)  Period  of  the  Republic
                b)  Period  of  the  Republic                    b)  Time  of  Discovery
                c)  Time  of  Discovery                          c)  Inca  period
                d)  Pre-Inca  Period                             d)  Current  time

                        for  your  notebook

            Z  At  what  time  in  our  history  did  the  following  events  take  place?
            9.  The  empire  of  Tahuantinsuyo  arose.
                                                                                       ancestors  have  left
             10.  Peruvians  rebel  against  Spanish  rule.
                                                                                        us  a  valuable  and
             11.  Men  created  new  cultures.                                          important  historical
             12.  Represents  through  images  the  periods  of  the  history  of  Peru.
             13.  What  are  the  names  of  the  people  who  investigate  and  study  our  history?

             14.  Write  the  name  of  a  character  that  stood  out  in  each  period:
                Y  Inca  Age  Y  Age
                of  Discovery

                Y  Epoch  of  the  Conquest
                Y  Epoch  of  the  Republic
             15.  With  what  event  began  the  Age  of  Discovery?

             16.  In  what  period  of  the  history  of  Peru  are  we  currently?

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            1st  Grade                                                                   SOCIAL  PERSON
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