P. 47
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age of discovery
This era begins with the greatest discovery in our history: Discovery of America
Discovery of America
Formerly people who lived in Europe did not know that Christopher Columbus did not have money to carry out
America existed. his project so he requested financial support from the
The men of that time believed kings of Spain.
that the Earth was flat.
Christopher Columbus, a
brave Italian sailor, claimed
that the Earth was round and
wanted to prove it.
He departed from Puerto de Palos in command of After several days of sailing, on October 12, 1492, they
three caravels, La Niña, La Pinta and Santa María. arrived at an island they called San Salvador.
The discovery of America was the meeting of two worlds and two
The man that the condor was
cultures that until then had known each other.
a discover the new
The discovery of America shouted: Earth! the considered
messenger of the continent was
paved the way for gods.
trade between new
continents. Rodrigo de Triana
1st Grade