P. 44

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                                                                              inca  period

          The  origin  of  the  Incas  and  the  foundation  of  the  empire  is  explained  by  two  very  important  legends.
          Z  Legend  of  the  Ayar  brothers
          Z  Legend  of  Manco  Cápac  and  Mama  Ocllo

           Four  wonderful  brothers:  the  Ayars           They  leave  Titicaca:  the  children  of  the  Sun
           According  to  this  legend,  four  brothers,  luxuriously    According  to  this  legend,  Father  Sol  sent  his  sons
           dressed  and  with  gold  jewelry,  came  out  of  the    Manco  Cápac  and  Mama  Ocllo,  who  left  Lake  Titicaca
           Tamputoco  cave.                                 and  reached  the  Huanacaure  hill,  there  they  sank  the
           They  were  Ayar  Manco,  Ayar  Cachi,  Ayar  Uchu  and    golden  rod  and  founded  the  wonderful  Empire  of  the
           Ayar  Auca,  accompanied  by  their  respective  wives;    Incas.
           They  were  on  their  way  to  find  a  suitable  place  to
           found  a  great  city.
           On  the  way  they  locked  Ayar  Cachi  in  a  cave,
           because  they  were  afraid  of  his  powers.
           Later,  Ayar  Uchu  and  Ayar  Auca  turned  to  stone.

           Ayar  Manco  was  then  left  as  founder  and  absolute
           lord  and  was  the  first  Inca.

                                                                               The  condor  was
                                                                              considered  a
                                                                             messenger  of  the

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