Page 41 - Advanced Romance
P. 41

38 Advanced Romance*
Having other at least Platonic options has been considered a supremely unromantic viewpoint. “Forsake all others” is the bottom line of marriage. That means not having friends that you might have a relationship with in the future. But again, that was before the 50% divorce and breakup rate. If both partners are realistic, and both care about each other even should they split up, this “unromantic” approach will be allowed. And hopefully it will not be in secret but shared openly.
Or you can have faith that the 50% divorce rate doesn’t apply to you and the person you’re involved with. You can approach relationship discussions with all the drama and lack of safety net that ruled the 1950s and before. That’s what it feels like when falling truly madly deeply. You will never leave this angel. That’s fine too. Unnecessary. But fine.
V. The fundamentalism that sex almost always leads to babies. Also, the fundamentalism
that different types of sex will doom their practitioners to hellacious unhappiness, actual eternal Hell, or cause the entire society to collapse in Sodom and Gomorrah catastrophe.
This in part is the fundamentalism that makes anti- abortion fighters so vehement. God created sex to create babies and thus sex should only be for procreation or within the holy bounds of marriage.

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