Page 4 - Reviews Intro
P. 4

So, how does it work?

Enter your         A text is sent with  Good - sent to a major     Negative reviews
customer’s name,   a link which is      review site. Android       come to you privately
email and number.  embedded with        users go to Google.        to be resolved.
                   code.                Bad - directed to a        Postive reviews go
                                        survey offline.            online.

Using this proven system, we are not only able to generate more reviews, but also get
critical feedback from unhappy clients so that we can work to resolve their issue privately.
Hopefully, we are able to do something to help before the client leaves negative feedback
in a public forum.

Once the issue has been resolved we can send another link and possibly receive a great
review on a major review site!

                   Helpful Tips

1. Incentivising employees can go a long way. Giving money or gift cards or having a contest

for most reviews generated can be beneficial for two reasons - one, you will get more

reviews and two, employees that know they must ask a client for feedback at the end of the

transaction will provide their highest level of customer service.

2. Providing Review Stars with a list of client email addresses and mobile numbers is a great

way to generate reviews. Review Stars will manage ongoing campaigns on your behalf.

Review Stars                          3. Ask and you shall receive - the majority of people
                                      when asked politely, will provide you with feedback.
                                      Don’t be afraid to ask - it is vital to your business’s

                                      online health and, we have found most people are

Bad at Some Things. Good at Reviews.  happy to help.
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