Page 6 - Reviews Intro
P. 6

Set Up For Success

                                                                              Work with the
                                                                              Review Stars to
                                                                              ensure we are
                                                                              monitoring reviews
                                                                              on all of the sites
                                                                              important to your
                                                                              business, and
                                                                              ensure we are
                                                                              targeting campaigns
                                                                              to those sites as
                                                                              well. We can steer
                                                                              your efforts to
                                                                              virtually any review

          Customize For Success

 We have a great stock
 message for your text and
 email review requests, BUT,
 we have found more
 engagement and better
 results when we work to
 customize the request. We
 can build campaigns and
 send out bulk requests on
 your behalf, but before we
 do - take a few moments to
 work with us and punch up
 the request copy.

Review Stars

Bad at Some Things. Good at Reviews.
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