Page 5 - BrockCoNewsletter-NovDec-2023.indd
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        For more and more people, drinks are   New  functional  beverage  drinkers should
        more than delicious and refreshing. They   know that reputable scientifi c research does
        supply them with nutrients, minerals, and   not support these drinks' health promises
        microorganisms that promise to improve   since a nutrient's e  ectiveness after being
        heart and gut health, strengthen immunity,   combined with several ingredients has
        reduce anxiety, increase energy without   yet to be discovered. Also, some of these
        sugar, and perform other functions.  additives can impair bodily functions and
        These “functional beverages” include   lab testing accuracy. Many functional drink
        water, tea, kombucha, juices, and tonics   labels say pregnant women, children, and
        that contain vitamin blends, probiotics,   people taking antidepressants should not
        omega-3 fatty acids, and other additives.   consume the tonic.
        One popular drink includes L-Theanine   A functional beverage can be a refreshing
        because of its calming e  ect.       change for those looking for an alternative
                                             to sugary drinks. Just do your research fi rst.
        Consumer demand for stronger immunity
        and convenience has contributed to the   Source:
        popularity of functional beverages. With a
        few chugs, people think they are improving   beverage-market-continues-to-gain-
        their health and wellness. This drive is so   momentum/
        strong that industry experts believe sales of   https://daily.sevenfi
        these drinks will grow 9% each year until   beverages-are-big-business-heres-what-you-
        the functional beverage market is worth   need-to-know/
        $279 million in 2030.


        The last six weeks of the year are often the   breathing technique in which you inhale   consider engaging in guided breathing and
        most stressful. So instead of crumbling under   through your nose for four seconds, hold   thought exercises for 15 minutes.  Insight
        the weight of the anxiety or using unhealthy   your breath for seven seconds, and exhale   and guidance for meditation can be found

        coping mechanisms, try one or all of these   through your mouth for eight. An eight-  online or on di erent apps.
        stress-busting exercises.              rep set performed at least twice a day   Don’t let the season of giving take your joy.
          •  The Mayo  Clinic  recommends sitting   activates the vagus nerve, which releases   Instead, fi nd stress releases that work for you
          quietly, looking around, and noting: fi ve   relaxing chemicals in your brain.  and use them as often as possible.
          things you can  see, four things  you can    •  Perform your favorite workout. Exercise   Source:
          physically feel, three things you can hear,   reduces stress hormones, increases the
          two things you can smell, and one thing   production of the body’s natural mood
          you can taste. These actions shift your   elevators, and allows your mind to wander,   hometown-health/speaking-of-health/5-4-3-2-
          attention to the present and away from   not settle on chaotic thoughts.   1-countdown-to-make-anxiety-blast-o
          anxiety-inducing situations or thoughts.                      
                                             •  Meditate. It can be as simple as sitting
         •  Dr. Andrew Weil, a noted integrative-  quietly, breathing deeply, and clearing your   healthy/exercising-to-relax
          medicine physician, promotes a relaxing   mind for 30 seconds. If you have more time,
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