Page 7 - BrockCoNewsletter-NovDec-2023.indd
P. 7

        Think you have a cold? Before you reach   high levels of mold that hitched a ride on   The same rules go for other natural holiday
        for your favorite cure, reexamine your   your Christmas tree.             decorations like wreaths.
        symptoms. You may not have a cold, but   If you can’t live without a live tree, reduce   Traditional decorations for the holidays are
        you are experiencing an allergic reaction   the spore population by:      unboxed once a year. When not in use, they
        to the holiday decorations brightening up                                 are often stored in dusty or humid attics
        your life.                           Cleaning the tree. Before bringing the   and basements, gathering dust and mold. If
                                             tree inside, shake the tree or use an air
        Researchers have found that a live tree   compressor to remove loose debris. Rinse   it’s possible, open them up outside. Bring
        brings about six times as many mold spores   the tree with water or a vegetable cleaner   them in after you’ve cleaned them.
        into a home than normally live there.
                                             (Be sure it is thoroughly dry before you   Take these steps to make sure your year
        Some  people  are  allergic  to  terpene,  a   bring it inside.).         ends on a healthy note. Don’t let allergens
        substance in tree sap. It’s released when   Clearing the air. Set up an air purifi er near   ruin your holidays.
        branches or trunks are cut. Of course,   the tree to catch all the allergens before   Source:
        people who have asthma  and allergies   they reach your nose.   
        develop this “Christmas Tree Syndrome.”                                   christmas-trees-and-decorations-may-trigger-
        However, anyone can su  er from asthma   Picking a non-allergenic tree. Few people   allergies/
        attacks, coughing, sneezing, watery, itchy,   are allergic to fi r, spruce, and cypress trees,
        sore eyes, or wheezing that come from the   so set presents under one of these.  have-a-christmas-tree-allergy

        MIC S & MAC S:


        We're all trying to consume a nutrient-rich diet   sunlight. So, spending time outdoors and   rich foods like garlic, onion, and broccoli to
        for a healthy mind and body. Getting the most   eating calcium-rich foods like milk and eggs is   support digestion, advance cell growth, and
        vitamins and minerals from your food requires   important for maintaining bone health.  improve the immune system.

        pairing up specific nutrients. The correct   Combining vitamin K-rich foods like   Improve your energy levels and prevent a
        combination increases nutrient absorption,   kale and healthy fats such as olive oil can   post-meal slump by pairing carbohydrates
        leading to various health benefi ts.   improve blood flow. Leafy green vegetables   with protein. Carbohydrates, found in foods

        Let’s learn about some nutrient pairings:   like spinach, Brussels sprouts, kale, and broccoli   such as whole wheat bread, rice cakes, and
                                             contain vitamin K. Pairing them with foods   oatmeal, serve as a source of energy. Protein
        Pairing vitamin C with plant-based iron
        boosts  low iron  levels.  For instance, an   bursting with healthy fats, like olive oil, nuts,   can be derived from nuts like peanut butter,

        orange paired with spinach accomplishes this.   or fish, enhances vitamin K absorption. Eating   tofu, and animal-based products like chicken

        Yummy fruits like berries, lemons, mangoes,   these foods helps keep our blood flowing   and beef. You can create nutritious and
        and oranges contain vitamin C. It strengthens   smoothly.                 energizing snacks and meals by incorporating
        our nerves and immune system while also   Support  a  healthy  immune  system  by   both nutrients.
        promoting healthy skin. Iron provides energy   pairing vitamin A with a healthy fat. Vitamin   Remember, eating a variety of nutrient-rich
        and supports our immune system. Vitamin C   A is plentiful in carrots, sweet potatoes, and   foods is important for our health. Pairing
        helps our bodies absorb plant-based iron. Eat   tomatoes. And, when consumed with foods   certain nutrients together can maximize their

        foods rich in vitamin C and plant-based iron to   rich in healthy fats like salmon, avocado, or   benefits and help our bodies stay strong and fit.
        boost low iron.                      olive oil, vitamin A can strengthen the immune   Source:

                                             system, fighting o  bacteria and keeping the
        Keeping your bones healthy requires                             
        pairing calcium and vitamin D.  Calcium-  body healthy.                   food-pairing-nutrient-absorption

        rich foods like milk, green leafy vegetables,   Help the body to use zinc more e ciently

        eggs, and sesame seeds combined with vitamin   by pairing it with sulfur-rich foods. Foods   pairings-that-boost-nutrition
        D strengthen bones. The most accessible   abundant in zinc, like tofu, pumpkin seeds, and
        and natural source of vitamin D comes from   Greek yogurt, can be combined with sulfur-
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