Page 8 - BrockCoNewsletter-NovDec-2023.indd
P. 8

Inside this i ue:

                 • Spice It Up with Tajín ®

                 • Functional Beverages
                 • Quick De-Stress Techniques
                 • Tofu In Comfort Foods
                 • And more!

        Busting Myths: TRYPTOPHAN
        Sometimes, when we  overeat our favorite   helps regulate the sleep cycle. The second   So, if you really want to be alert after the
        food or have a lot of birthday cake, we feel   is involved with appetite, mood, sleep, and   holiday  meal,  eat  smaller  portions  of  the
        really full and tired afterward. It’s like we   pain.                     starchy sides and desserts. That way, you can
        want to take a nap because we ate too much.     There  isn’t  enough tryptophan  to  make  us   still enjoy the food without feeling sleepy
        It happens to all of us.                                                  afterward.
                                             fall asleep after the Thanksgiving feast.
        On Thanksgiving, some people think that the   The real reason we feel tired is because we eat   Source:
        turkey makes them feel tired. They blame a   a lot of high-carbohydrate foods. There are
        chemical called tryptophan in the turkey for   more than enough carbs on the Thanksgiving   special-topic/tryptophan#
        making them sleepy.                  table — mashed potatoes, sweet potato pie,
        But actually, tryptophan is an amino acid   macaroni & cheese, and rolls — to make us
        found in many foods, including milk, chicken,   tired. Around 60 to 90 minutes after we eat
        fi sh, nuts, and soy. The body uses tryptophan   these foods, we start feeling really tired.
        to create melatonin and serotonin. The fi rst

           All of us at Brock & Company, Inc. are dedicated to providing a healthy and enjoyable dining
           experience. We’re here to answer questions and receive your comments or suggestions.
           Email Us:         @BrockEatHealthy      @BrockEatHealthy

                  The newsletter is printed on 100% recycled content, 100% post-consumer waste, processed chlorine-free paper using soy-based inks
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