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p duce pick: PURPLE GARLIC
Consider purple garlic if you want to You can use purple garlic much like its white
add vibrant color to your cooking. While counterpart, especially in dishes where a
resembling its white cousin, purple garlic milder, sweeter fl avor is preferred, such as
boasts a unique fl avor that gives your meals salad dressings, dips, and roasted vegetables.
an interesting twist. It shares a similar shape Purple garlic also pairs exceptionally well with
with white garlic but features a purple bulb sauerkraut and adds a distinctive color to a
or a cream bulb with purple stripes. Being a variety of dishes.
hardneck variety, it has a fi rm stalk growing Beyond its appealing appearance and fl avor,
through the cloves, unlike the soft stalk of purple garlic is also benefi cial for your
white garlic. health. Bursting with allicin, the compound
Despite the family resemblance, purple and responsible for its classic garlic fl avor, it o ers
white garlic are distinct. Purple garlic typically antioxidant and hypoglycemic properties that
has a smaller head with juicier cloves and may help reduce the risk of cancer and lower
easier-to-peel skin. Popular purple varieties blood sugar levels. Incorporate purple garlic
include Spanish Roja, Metechi, and Purple to bring exciting fl avor and color to your
Glazer, each o ering its own unique fl avor culinary creations.
profi le. When roasted, purple garlic exhibits a Source:
sweet taste, while fried or raw garlic presents a
stronger fl avor than roasted white garlic.