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        Seeds have gone from afterthought to pantry   millennia. Hemp seeds have been used as food

        staple. Chia seeds and flaxseeds have been the   and medicine in China for at least 3,000 years.
        stars. A handful adds a nutty or toasted flavor   Hemp hearts are used raw, cooked, or roasted.

        and many health benefits to various foods.   With their high protein content and versatility,

        Hemp hearts’ protein punch is increasing their   hemp hearts are a boon to flexitarians and

        popularity.                          vegans. However, everyone should enjoy
        Hemp heart is the name of the unshelled seed   these seeds. Fortunately, it’s pretty easy to
        of the hemp plant. Don’t worry. Hemp hearts   get the three-tablespoon recommended daily
        have no mind-altering e ects.        dose. Throw some in a smoothie, soup, salad,

                                             hummus, creamy pasta, or anything that could
        These tiny seeds pack a lot of nutrients. Hemp
        hearts are a signifi cant source of:  benefi t from a hint of nut fl avor.
        • Healthy fats, including omega-6 and omega-3  Reach for hemp hearts when you need to add
                                             a new dimension to your traditional meals or
        •  Protein, boasting about 50% more protein   make an interesting meatless meal.
          than chia seeds and fl axseeds
        •  Vitamin E and minerals such as phosphorus,
          potassium, magnesium, calcium, iron, and zinc  tips/health-benefi ts-hemp-hearts

        Americans  are just  discovering something
        that has been a staple in Asian countries for   benefi ts-of-hemp-seeds

        focus on we­ne : INFRARED SAUNAS
        Infrared saunas are becoming a hot trend in the   While doctors don’t promote the healing
        United States. These rooms have been popular   aspects of infrared saunas, these devices don’t
        in Europe for decades. Social media posts of   hurt. At the very least, bathers feel less stressed
        people praising the device’s ability to heat the   at the end of a session. That is good for the
        body directly, not the air like traditional saunas,   body and the mind.
        have pushed it to the mainstream.
                                             Infrared saunas are a great form of self-care.
        The cool thing about infrared saunas is that   Since the rooms tend to be dimly lit, it is a
        they produce more accessible heat than   calmer environment that promotes relaxation.
        traditional  saunas.  More  people can take   The saunas stimulate neurotransmitters that
        a  15-minute  session  in  110-degree  heat   make us feel good.
        than a 160-degree environment. Because it   Use saunas for stress release, not removing
        takes longer for the body to heat up, it is a   toxins. Our kidneys and liver signifi cantly
        less stressful experience, and there’s no skin   eliminate harmful substances, but sweat
        damage with infrared saunas.         does not.
        Although mainstream science hasn’t supported   After a tough workout or a hard day at
        any form of sauna as a health treatment,   work, give an infrared sauna a try.
        several reliable studies found that saunas can
        support heart health and help people with   Source:
        arthritis and similar conditions. Researchers
        found that regular infrared sauna sessions   sauna-benefi ts/
        lowered blood pressure, improved blood
        vessel function, calmed the nervous system,   sauna/faq-20057954
        and reduced infl ammation.
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