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Fitne  F us: RUGBY
        If you’re looking for a new way to get your   In addition to the obvious health benefi ts,
        heart pumping, give rugby a “try.” Haha.   rugby players also get a mental boost
        A try is the rugby move that scores points.   from participating in a team activity.
        Get it?                             Regular rugby players have high levels of
                                            self-confi dence and discipline. The social
        Rugby, one of the most popular sports
        in the world, originated in the early 19th   component of rugby fosters a positive
        century. It has some of the same elements   mental state.
        as soccer and football. Rugby players can   Surprisingly,  rugby is  not a concussion
        run with and kick the ball but only pass it   factory. Cycling causes more head injuries
        backward. It is an aggressive game, so be   than this full-contact sport.
        ready to push and be pushed.        If you’re looking for something to get you
        In general, this sport has similar health   moving but doesn’t require a lot of focus,
        benefi ts to most running sports. Participants   try out for a rugby team. It’s good for your
        build strength, increase fl exibility, improve   muscles, heart, and social circle.
        the body’s cardiovascular system, reduce   Source:
        stress by releasing endorphins, and develop
        speed and endurance.                PMC6733317/                           ask the rdN:
        Because it is an aggressive sport, most players
        focus on building muscle. As a result, most   play-key-health-role-study-fi nds  WHAT IS A DIGESTIVE ENZYME
        rugby players have strong muscles and an                                  SUPPLEMENT, AND DO I NEED TO BE
        improved cardiovascular system that usually                               TAKING ONE?
        accompanies strength training.                                            A digestive enzyme supplement is a combination
                                                                                  of enzymes that are also found in our bodies.
                                                                                  Many over-the-counter  digestive enzyme
                                                                                  supplements also contain alpha-galactosidase, a
                                                                                  substance the body cannot make. This enzyme

                                                                                  helps break down fiber found in beans, root
                                                                                  vegetables, and some dairy products – foods
                                                                                  that can upset your GI system. Generally,
                                                                                  a healthy person does not need additional
                                                                                  enzymes to break their foods down, because
                                                                                  the pancreas and small intestine do it naturally.
                                                                                  Like most supplements, these are not regulated

                                                                                  by the FDA, so look for certifications from
                                                                                  USP, NSF, or ConsumerLab.
                                                                                  I OVERATE OVER THE WEEKEND.
                                                                                  SHOULD I DO A CLEANSE TO DETOX
                                                                                  MY BODY?

                                                                                  While you may have overindulged this
                                                                                  weekend, it does not warrant a cleanse or detox.
                                                                                  Our liver, kidneys, digestive tract, and other
                                                                                  organs do a great job of removing any bad stu

                                                                                  from our bodies; better than any supplement or
                                                                                  cleanse can. Cleanses and detoxes sold in stores
                                                                                  are essentially laxatives, which can be harmful.
                                                                                  Your best bet is to eat a few more vegetables,
                                                                                  drink some extra glasses of water, and get back
                                                                                  into your normal routine.

                                                                                  Have a question? Send it to
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