Page 2 - ROOT by Brock Janiuary February 23
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        Heart healthy doesn’t have to be synonymous   Compare grilled vegetables to steamed,   However, overeating  these types of fats
        with flavorless. With a few tweaks to your   and you’ll notice a difference!  does not necessarily support heart health.
        kitchen staples and cooking techniques, it is   •  Include more fruits and vegetables.   Use those ingredients less often and swap
        possible to have a flavorful, easy-to-prepare,   Fruits  and veggies have unique flavors.   in some other full of heart-healthy fats, like
        heart-healthy meal. You don’t need to make   However, combining them with different   avocado  or olive  oil. Reach for  fish and
        all the changes at once, but incorporate a few   herbs, spices, or cooking methods produces   leaner  cuts  of  meat,  too.  Even  switching
        changes over time to make the transition to a   creative dishes. Additionally, the fiber and   your 80/20 ground beef to 93/7 is a good
        heart-friendly menu more palatable.    nutrients found in fruits and vegetables   step towards improving your heart health.
        •  Utilize herbs, spices, and acids.  Fresh   may help lower cholesterol levels, blood   You don’t need to be a Michelin-starred chef
          or dried herbs and spices can impart more   pressure, and risks of heart disease.  to prepare some tasty and nutritious meals!
          flavor (and micronutrients!) without using   •  Try plant-based. Data shows that in-  Instead, start with one to two tweaks, and
          salt. Adding an acid like vinegar, lemon, or   corporating  more  plant-based  meals  into   you’ll be on your way to a healthier lifestyle.
          lime juice helps round out a meal’s flavor.
                                               your diet benefits overall health, especially   Source:
        •  Include more savory ingredients. Mush-  heart health. Have a meatless Monday with
          rooms, cheese, tomatoes, and onions add a   your family! Using beans or lentils in a dish   healthy-eating
          depth of flavor but not much sodium.  is an excellent entry point into the plant-  Jung, Alyssa. “Give your kitchen a heart
                                               based dining world.                healthy makeover!”. Women’s Day. March,
        •  Switch up your cooking techniques.
          Roasting, grilling, braising, and slow   •  Reduce saturated fats. Butter, lard, bacon,   2022.
          cooking enhance the flavor of your foods.   etc., can serve a purpose in specific recipes.

                                             pROduce pick: RUTABAGA

                                             The rutabaga is the turnip’s cousin with   Nutritionally, rutabagas are great fiber,
                                             a good personality. Crisp, juicy, white or   magnesium, vitamin C, and potassium sources.
                                             yellow flesh with a slightly bitter taste lies   Affordable rutabagas may not be pretty, but
                                             beneath the rutabaga’s purple and yellow   they offer great taste and nutrition.
                                             skin. After cooking, the root vegetable has
                                             a sweeter taste.
                                                                                        RUTABAGAS PROVIDE
                                             The rutabaga’s unique flavor is a welcome   SEVERAL HEALTH BENEFITS,
                                             addition to mashed potatoes, soups, stews,     INCLUDING:
                                             and casseroles. In general, rutabagas can be
                                             used in place of cooked potatoes in many   • Improved bone health
                                             recipes, including French fries, fritters, and   • Stronger immune system
                                             side dishes to steak, pork, and lamb.  •  Reduced risk of several eye
                                             Rutabagas are harvested from November   diseases
                                             through March. In the refrigerator, they last   •  Decrease the likelihood of
        Source:                              for a month. Frozen rutabagas are edible   cardiovascular diseases  for about a year. This big vegetable has a   •  Lowers the risk of digestive
        for-rutabagas-2506772                tough texture and flesh, but producers coat   disorders, diabetes, stroke, and  it in wax to ensure the rutabaga arrives at   some cancers
        rutabaga/                            markets healthy and beautiful. Before eating  a rutabaga, it should be peeled, removing
        rutabaga-nutrition-facts/            the waxy coating.
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