Page 6 - ROOT by Brock Janiuary February 23
P. 6


        ALLergen AwareneSS: FOOD ALLERGIES 101

        You probably know at least one person   and cheese, is quite common. With this   Source:
        in your immediate circle with an allergy,   condition, the body isn’t allergic to lactose;
        sensitivity, or intolerance. These terms are   it cannot properly break it down, causing   and-intolerances/food-intolerances-and-
        commonly used interchangeably; however,   GI distress. Like allergies, sensitivities and   sensitivities/are-food-sensitivity-tests-accurate
        an allergy is not the same as a sensitivity or   intolerances can develop at any age.  Oglethorpe, Alice. “What’s New with Food
        intolerance.                         Correctly diagnosing an allergy requires an   Allergies”. Better Homes and Gardens.
        Food allergies are an immune system   allergist. However, many people are now   December 2021.
        response to a food item the body has deemed   forgoing the trip to the doctor for at-home
        an “invader.” The reactions commonly   test kits. The rise in popularity of this type
        experienced include hives, a scratchy throat,   of testing is leading people to misdiagnose
        vomiting, and anaphylaxis. Eggs, fish,   themselves. The  at-home  kits measure
        shellfish, soy, wheat, tree nuts, peanuts, milk,   the wrong antibody – IgG. Production
        and sesame – The Big Nine – cause most food   of this compound usually happens after a
        allergies. While they are the most common   meal, so its presence is not indicative of an
        allergens, you can have an allergy to any food   allergy but simply recently eaten food. Tests
        item. Food allergies can develop at any age,   administered by  allergists  look for  the  IgE
        even as an adult. Interestingly, some people   antibody – this signifies an immune response
        diagnosed with a food allergy at a young age   produced by the body to a possible trigger.
        may even grow out of it.
                                             Are you experiencing reactions when eating
        Sensitivities and intolerances are related to   specific foods? Your best bet is to contact
        the digestion of a specific food item and are   a doctor to determine the culprit. Also,
        not immune  system-related.  For example,   consider reaching out to a registered dietitian
        intolerance of lactose, a naturally-occurring   nutritionist (RD/RDN) to help you navigate
        sugar in dairy products such as milk, yogurt,   your nutritional needs.
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