Page 3 - ROOT by Brock Janiuary February 23
P. 3


        You’ve found an activity that holds your   2.  Smooth out your muscles with a
        interest and improves your health. Don’t   foam roller or a peanut ball, a piece of
        let  an injury ruin your  routine. Follow   equipment composed of two tennis balls.
        these steps to reduce the chance of hurting   3.  Tack a few minutes of meditation onto
        yourself and increase the likelihood of a   the end of your exercise session to reduce
        healthier lifestyle.
                                              stress, sharpen focus, and improve sleep.
        BEFORE THE WORKOUT                  4.  Refuel  with  simple  carbohydrates
        1.  Fuel up on carbohydrates.  Choose   and proteins. After the gym, have a
          foods that are easy to digest, like whole   nutrient-dense snack or meal containing
          grain toast with peanut butter or low-fat   carbohydrates and lean protein, like
          yogurt with fresh fruit.            sweet potato and skinless chicken breast,
                                              to replenish what was lost and help with
        2.  Start your workout hydrated. Refresh-
          ment  is found in the things we drink   recovery.
          and eat, so don’t stress too much about   5.  Skip a day or two after intense workouts
          meeting excessive hydration goals.   to allow the body to adapt to the changes
          Also, the average athlete doesn’t need   created by exercise. Are you not feeling
          supplements or sports drinks. Your best   your  best?  Try  a  low-intensity  activity   ask the rdN:
          bet is good old-fashioned H O.      like yoga or even a walk to help stretch
        3.  Put in a few minutes of dynamic   your muscles and relieve any soreness.  WHAT KIND OF PROTEIN IS IN
          stretching. To get your muscles, joints,   Pay attention to your body because pain is   IMPOSSIBLE™ MEAT?
          and heart ready for strenuous activity,   a signal. Move your body so that it will last   The “meat alternatives” popping up in the
          take five minutes to perform a series of   a lifetime. Pre- and post-workout routines   grocery refrigerated aisles contain plant
          movements, from a quad pull with a tilt   are essential to stay healthy, reduce risks of   protein and provide a satisfying substitute for
          to a traveling squat.             injury, and connect you to your body.   their animal protein counterparts. These meat
                                            Source:                               alternatives derived from plant protein offer
        AFTER THE WORKOUT                                                         texture and flavor similar to that of ground
        1.  Any stretch is good post-workout because                              beef or ground meat. Some products contain
          it helps bring the body to a resting state.   stretching-versus-static-stretching  pea protein and soy protein, whereas others
          However, warmed-up muscles welcome  have a mixture of soy protein and potato
          the pulling sensation of static stretches,   perfect-30-minute-workout-looks-like  protein. These provide an excellent vegetarian
          like side bends.          alternative that can  be grilled, mixed into
                                            before-and-after-a-workout-to-get-better-results  dishes like chili, or used in the morning as a
                                                                                  breakfast sausage. Either way, it is worth trying
                                                                                  if you are searching for a meatless alternative
                                                                                  to your menu.
                                                                                  ARE PLANT-BASED BURGERS
                                                                                  HEALTHIER THAN BEEF BURGERS?
                                                                                  While these plant-based beef burger alternatives
                                                                                  provide an excellent option for plant-based
                                                                                  communities, they are not necessarily healthier
                                                                                  than beef. The plant-based burgers are usually
                                                                                  made with coconut and palm oils, which are
                                                                                  saturated fats that should be limited. Instead,
                                                                                  look for veggie burgers that contain whole
                                                                                  ingredients like corn, rice, beans, and other
                                                                                  vegetables. A plant-based beef burger is a great
                                                                                  alternative to traditional meat occasionally, but
                                                                                  they are not nutritionally superior to regular
                                                                                  beef burgers.
                                                                                  Have a question? Send it to
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