Page 6 - ROOT by Brock November December 22
P. 6

Seasonal Highlights:


        November is Diabetes Awareness Month.   sources for our bodies, we cannot simply
        There are three types of diabetes: Type   eliminate them. Carbohydrate consumption
        1, Type 2, and Gestational. Diabetes is   and glucose levels are directly related, so
        when the body does not produce insulin   managing the intake is essential. A good rule
        (or produces very little) or cannot utilize   of thumb is to always pair a carbohydrate with
        insulin properly. Insulin is a hormone   a protein and/or fat to make the meal more
        that regulates blood glucose (sugar).   balanced. For example, while very nutritious,
        Blood sugar is affected by what we eat.   eating just an apple as a snack may not be very
        Diabetes is an incredibly complex disease,   balanced, especially if trying to manage blood
        influenced by many factors. Basically, food   sugar. Adding cheese or peanut butter to the
        gets broken  down into sugar, moves  into   apple makes it more balanced and slows the
        the bloodstream, and then enters cells via   breaking down of food into sugars. Including
        insulin produced by the pancreas. Suppose   these three macros in your snacks and meals
        the body cannot produce insulin or has   can help balance blood sugar better. Properly
        insulin resistance. In that case, too much   managing blood sugars is important for
        sugar stays in the bloodstream, which can   leading a healthy life and helping to minimize
        cause serious health problems.       the risk for diabetes-related complications.
        One main component in managing all types of   This  information  is  educational  and  not
        diabetes is what we eat. Carbohydrates, protein,   medical advice. If you have concerns about
        and fats are the macronutrients needed by our   blood sugar management or diabetes, please
        bodies to carry out all activities (energy, muscle   contact your doctor.
        growth, and hormone production, to name a   Source:
        few). However, carbohydrates are also broken
        down into sugars to be used by our bodies.
        Since carbohydrates are the primary energy

        ALLergen AwareneSS: FISH
        A fish allergy is one of the most common   markets. Be sure to read all labels, avoiding
        allergies in the United States. Fish allergies   fish  and  fish products.  Common  fish
        refer to finned fish and not shellfish. While   products include fish sauce, anchovy paste,
        one person may experience allergies to   fish flavoring, fish gelatin, Worcestershire
        shellfish and finned fish, these allergies are   sauce, Caesar dressing, and barbecue sauce.
        not mutually exclusive. Fish like salmon,   If you are unsure if a product contains fish,
        tuna, catfish, and cod tend to be the most   read labels, ask, or avoid the food product
        commonly reported species that cause   altogether. Make sure  to inform family,
        reactions. It is possible to be allergic to more   friends, and dining staff of a fish allergy
        than one type of fish. The best practice is to   to limit the risk of being exposed as best
        work with an allergist to determine which   as possible. If you are concerned about an
        species will trigger a reaction.     allergy, contact your primary care provider.
        Even the slightest exposure to fish can cause   Source:
        a reaction. Avoid areas of high cross-contact,
        like a seafood restaurant. You may also want   allergies/food-allergy-essentials/common-
        to avoid touching raw fish and visiting fish   allergens/fish
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