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Many visitors bring home a few cans of fi sh Tinned fi sh is also delicious. These tinned
from trips to Spain or Portugal. But now, fi sh are more sophisticated than the tuna we
with tinned fi sh becoming popular in the used to mix with mayo to make sandwiches.
United States, you don’t need to travel to The tinned seafood can be smoked or
enjoy it. boiled before being packed in water, in bold
For years, people in Spain and Portugal have marinades, confi ts of preserved lemons and
started their meals with tinned fi sh. You can other ingredients, tomato sauce, or other
get all sorts of sea creatures in cans, including interesting liquids.
lobster, tuna, salmon, anchovies, sardines, Plus, since tinned fi sh are naturally protein-
and herring. Today, you can fi nd similar rich, they are good for you. Some types are
tinned fi sh from domestic and international also rich sources of calcium, omega-3 fatty
waters in American stores. acids, vitamin D, vitamin B12, iron, and
iodine. Just watch out for the high sodium
Of course, tinned fi sh is convenient.
Anchovies canned in olive oil are an easy fi nish content many of them have.
to Caesar salad and Salade niçoise. Tinned Grab one of the brightly decorated tins of
sardines are easy to add to a pizza. Preserved fi sh and discover a new way to eat seafood.
salmon is a fun topping for breakfast items.
Plus, you can grab a fork and immediately Source:
enjoy a fi lling meal or snack. sh-popularity-
The holidays are all about delicious food • Try Meatless Meals. Incorporating a few
and spending time with loved ones. But that meals without meat can be good for your
doesn’t mean we have to ditch healthy eating! health and the environment. Plus, there are
lots of delicious plant-based recipes to try!
Here are some simple tips for making your
holiday meals healthier: • Keep the Flavor, Change the Ingredients.
• Add Fruits, Vegetables, Nuts, and Seeds. You don’t have to completely change
Not only do they add interesting fl avors to your holiday menus to have delicious and
sweet and savory dishes, but they also inject healthy meals. A few tweaks can make dishes
a variety of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, healthier without compromising the fl avor
and fi ber, which are good for your body. you expect.
Remember, the holidays are about enjoying
• Choose Healthier Cooking Methods.
Instead of frying foods, try roasting, grilling, tasty food with your family and friends. With
or braising them. These methods enhance these simple tips, you can have delicious
the fl avor of your foods without adding and healthy meals all season long, without
unhealthy fats. sacrifi cing the joy of the festive season!
• Reduce Saturated Fats. Butter, lard, and Source:
sour cream bring strong fl avors to many
foods and are key ingredients in many article/healthy-living/simple-tweaks-
baked goods. Unfortunately, they are also healthier-holiday-spread/
full of saturated fats. Try using healthier
ingredients, like Greek yogurt, olive oil, and
avocado, instead.