Page 2 - ROOT - May-June-2024
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        Technology touches just about every part of   breathing exercises, and take other actions   TECH TO DE-STRESS
        our lives. It makes sense to use it to help you   that improve your well-being.  Stress negatively impacts virtually every
        stay fit. Here’s a list of basics to get you started   FITNESS APP        process  in  our  bodies,  from  digestion  to
        on your technology-based wellness journey.   Many  training  programs,  gyms,  and   sleep.  If  self-soothing  isn’t working,  try
        Just remember to use these devices to make   sneaker companies produce apps that offer   apps that use sound to calm you or guide
        your quest for wellness easier, not obsessive.                            you through a meditation session.
                                             workouts and tips from world-class trainers.
        PEDOMETER                            Check your health insurance because some   Are you ready to embrace the fusion of
        Now that many of us have settled into a   companies offer members free access to paid   technology and wellness? Take the first
        sedentary lifestyle, any device that can get us   fitness apps.           step towards a healthier, happier you
        moving is welcome. Don’t focus on taking   ELECTRIC TOOTHBRUSH            by incorporating these innovative tools
        10,000 steps (that’s an arbitrary number   Upgrade your oral health routine with cutting-  into  your  daily  routine.  Your  well-being
        that means nothing to your cardiovascular   edge  technology.  Let  modern  electronic   journey begins now!
        system).  The average  American  walks  1.5   toothbrushes revolutionize your dental care,
        miles a day. Use your pedometer to reach   promoting overall well-being and vitality.  Source:
        that mark and go beyond.                                        
                                             These brushes automatically work for two   the-best-health-gadgets
        WEARABLE FITNESS TRACKER             minutes (the dentist-recommended duration)
        These devices, which can be worn as a   and signal users when it’s time to move to a
        watch, a ring, or other accessories, monitor   new section of teeth. Plus, these devices have   fitness/in-depth/10000-steps/art-20317391
        your vital signs and nudge you to move   advanced brushing techniques and get into
        more, sleep  better, stand up, perform
                                             places traditional brushes cannot.

                                             pROduce pick: MINT

                                             Mint, a family of herbs that are members in   repelling undesirable insects while attracting
                                             the Mentha genus, ranks among the top in   beneficial ones such as bees and butterflies.
                                             its botanical hierarchy. It is a versatile plant   After harvesting mint, it's essential to
                                             comprising 13 to 24 species that grows on   handle it properly. Fresh leaves can be used
                                             every continent except Antarctica.   immediately or stored in the refrigerator.
                                             Rich in vitamin A and antioxidants and   Chopped leaves can be frozen in water using
                                             containing  other  essential  nutrients  such  as   cube trays or dried and stored in an airtight
                                             manganese, copper, and vitamin C, mint   container away from sunlight for later use.
                                             has  a  few  health  benefits.  In  addition  to   Mint has diverse uses in culinary, medicinal,
                                             its potential therapeutic applications for   and cosmetic applications. It can be found in
                                             indigestion and irritable bowel syndrome,   teas, beverages, jellies, syrups, and candies.
                                             mint can relieve seasonal allergy symptoms   Due to its medicinal properties, mint has
                                             and improve brain function.
                                                                                  traditionally been used to treat stomach and
                                             While mint thrives in wet environments with   chest pains. Additionally, the essential oils of
                                             moist soils, this adaptable herb can grow in   mint are commonly used in breath fresheners,
                                             a variety of conditions, including sunny and   drinks, mouthwashes, toothpastes, gums, and
                                             partially shaded areas. However, some types   some desserts. Mint also has aromatherapy
                                             of mint can be invasive, spreading rapidly and   and natural insect-repellent properties. Mint
                                             dominating other plants in the area.  truly is a versatile and beneficial herb that has
                                             Common mint varieties include peppermint,   a wide array of uses.
                                             native  spearmint,  cornmint,  Scotch  Source:
                                             spearmint, and apple mint. Despite being
                                             susceptible to pests like whiteflies and aphids,   benefits#TOC_TITLE_HDR_5
                                             mint is a valuable companion to other plants,
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