Page 12 - 2021 ACTA's Guide to Cyprus Tourism
P. 12
a major tourist centre
The mild climate during the whole year, the clear agreeable and the readiness to go to ends in helping them has given
seas, the unspoilt coastline and the natural environment of to Cyprus the characteristic of the country of hospitality
the country coupled with its rich cultural heritage and the which has been trade marked by Shakespeare in Othello,
hospitality of its people have established Cyprus as a major the drama which takes place in Cyprus and in which the
tourist destination. visitor is received with the phrase «You are Welcome Sir in
The island has been called an open museum by visitors Cyprus». References to Cyprus and its hospitable character
and students of history due to its richness of relics and date back to ancient times with accounts about it by the
monuments from all ages of history. Cyprus has been Greek writers Homer and Euripides and the Roman historian
in the focus of interest of visitors, seafarers and colonist Strabo.
traders since the dawn of history and cradle of trade and Cyprus is the third largest island in the Mediterranean after
culture of the mediterranean antiquity. In Cyprus there Sicily and Sardenia. It is situated in the eastern Mediterranean
are signs of organized social life dating back to the 8th at the crossroads of three continents, Europe, Asia and
millennium B.C. while in the years that followed, civilizations Africa, with a coastline of 1364 km interspersed with long
and cultures from nearby and even more distant centers sandy beaches and small unspoilt coves.
passed through the island leaving behind their marks in The terrain offers a varied and never tiring surroundings
monuments and relics. with a central plain among the two main mountain ranges
Parallel to the wealth of signs from antiquity the island which with their high peaks and pleasant forested valleys
has all the qualities of a highly advanced modern country, covered by a big variety of vegetation complement the
comparing favorably with areas around it and complying lowlands and the sandy coastal areas.
with modern esthetic and technological criteria. The old and Cyprus has a population of 860,000 of whom 660,000
new are side by side, in an amicable combination of ancient are Greek Cypriots, 110,200 Turkish Cypriots and other
sites with modern hotel and catering establishments leaving minorities. Greek is the main language of the Greek
nothing to be desired by the visitor and vacationer. Cypriot population and Turkish of the Turkish Cypriots.
The main feature of the qualities of Cyprus which has English is widely spoken while other European languages
established the island among the major tourist centers is are also used mostly in hotels, many shops and catering
the hospitality of its people. Their open heart to visitors establishments.