Page 16 - 2021 ACTA's Guide to Cyprus Tourism
P. 16


           Major objectives and services of ACTA

      ACTA’s platform is formulated by the firm objective to offer   Furthermore, ACTA organises seminars on subjects relating
      continuously upgraded services to its members and the   to travel and tourism for senior and junior staff of its members
      travelling public. The Association’s prime aims are to protect,   as well as an annual dinner/dance with social undertones.
      promote and develop the general interests of Travel Agents   ACTA is always trying to upgrade and increase the services
      and of tourism and travel and to ensure that membership of   it provides to its members. It constantly encourages its
      the Association shall be recognised as a guarantee of integrity,   members towards constructive criticism in order to ensure
      competence and a high standard of service.  correct conclusions in the best interest of its members and
       ACTA undertakes studies and in-depth research of   the trade.
      problems which preoccupy the travel agents and the tourist
      industry and works towards their settlement.  The services of ACTA both to the travelling public and
       The Association keeps an eye on government policies   its members are summed up in the following:
      and takes active part towards decision making by advancing   •  All round and timely information both to members and the
      suggestions and recommendations in matters relating to   travelling public.
      tourism and travel. To this end ACTA had an active role in   •  Special passes only to members for use at Larnaka and
      putting forward to the Government result oriented proposals   Pafos Airports information desks.
      for the strategy on tourism.               •  Certification only of the members of their capacity as
       ACTA also promotes proposals where necessary, for   Tour Operators entitling them in tendering for  School
      legislation relating to the travel industry.  Excursions.
       It represents the Travel Agents on official, public and private   •  Permits only to members under authorization by the
      organisations and informs official Government bodies, political   relevant law to act as Tour Operators.
      parties, appropriate authorities, various pressure groups as   •  Entries for ACTA members in the annual ACTA Directory.
      well as the general public, about the importance of tourism.  •  Legal advice to members by the ACTA Legal Advisor.
       Representation extends to International Tourist Fairs and   •  Effective  mediation in disputes between members or
      Congresses, where ACTA participates and promotes Cyprus   members and consumers.
      tourism through active liaison with national and international   •  An annual  Travel Fair TAXIDI for providing to ACTA
      organisations.                                members direct contact with the travelling public.
       ACTA provides many meaningful services to its members   •  Training Seminars to members.
      including supply of regular and dependable information on   •  Facility for participation in International Tourist Fairs.
      all matters relating to tourism and travel through its circulars.   •  Special identity cards for members.
      Moreover it publishes the ACTA Directory in which all   •  Freight/Cargo services offered by members.
      members are listed and which is distributed internationally   •  Aircraft Ground Handling offered by members.
      amongst other to tourism and travel organisations.  •  Cruises
       ACTA sees that its members receive free entries in various
      international Directories and, with the ACTA identity card and
      airport passes, all members get the widest possible recognition
      and access in the Airport terminal to assist incoming tourists.
       ACTA also provides legal services and counselling on many
      matters and acts as a mediator for settlement of disputes
      among members.

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