Page 13 - 2021 ACTA's Guide to Cyprus Tourism
P. 13


               a major tourist centre

        International & Local Transportation
        Excellent communications have contributed to a great   radio paging, mobile telephony of all types and public
        extent to the fast development of the island.The two   data network service. The telecommunications sector is
        international airports in Larnaka and Pafos and the   in the process of continuous upgrading in line with latest
        ports of Lemesos and Larnaka connect Cyprus with all   world developments.
        countries of the world. Almost 40 scheduled Airlines and
        more than 50 charter Airlines operate more than 500   Conference and incentive tourism
        flights weekly to and from Cyprus. Both airports of the   Conference tourism, special interests, theme visits and
        island are among the most frequented in the Eastern   other specialised events are also promoting Cyprus
        Mediterranean. A new Pafos Airport has been developed   tourism. The  island  is  an  attractive  place  for  medium
        with state of the art facilities and the new Larnaka Airport   size meetings of professional associations and regional
        is also commissioned with both operating fully in line with   meetings or seminars of multinational companies which
        all  modern  facilities.  Regarding  inland  communications   are usually held in off high-season periods, when they
        the short distances between cities are becoming even   can combine quiet surroundings and lower charges,
        shorter due to a motorway network which is constantly   because of reduced hotel rates.
        extended and upgraded. There is public transport with   The declared objective of the Cyprus goverment to
        regular  connections  between  cities  with  scheduled   promote and expand quality tourism resulted in a large
        taxiservices and comfortable coaches. Private taxis   number of 4 and 5 star hotels, all with their own conference
        and rental cars are readily available. There is also a   facilities. All conference rooms have the latest technical
        bus service connecting all major cities and resorts with   facilities, with modern audio visual, telecommunication
        Larnaka airport.                           and simultaneous interpretation equipment. For such
                                                   events, Cyprus offers the ideal combination of a value-
        Climate                                    for-money product, special tariffs for conference and
        The  climate is  generally  sunny and dry.The sun  shines   incentive participants, high hotel standards with excellent
        for 340 days of the year. Winter is mild and the bathing   conference facilities, conference management, tailor-
        season practically starts from April and does not end until   made events and an ideal climate. The geographical
        November Pineclad forests are not more than a couple   location of the island in particular encourages many
        of hours drive from the shore; one can have a swim, a   multinational companies to hold their regional meetings
        mountain trek or a ski, even during winter on one and the   in Cyprus, since the island is so easily accessible to
        same day.                                  delegates coming from Europe, Africa and even Asia.

        Medical Services                                    Average day temperatures by month
        Cyprus has a very high standard of medical services.        Coast        Inland
        Public and private hospitals, medical centres, private   months  C   F     C     F
        clinics and other hospitalisation centres are equipped   January  16.9  62.4  15.5  59.9
        with the latest facilities. The establishment of new modern   February  16.9  62.4  15.9  60.6
        medical centers is in constant development. A project   April  23.2  73.8  24.8  76.6
        is now in progress for promoting Cyprus as a regional   May  26.4   79.5  29.4  84.9
        health center.                               June            30.0   86.0  33.6  92.5
                                                     July            32.3   90.1  36.6  97.9
        Telecommunications                           August          32.8   91.0  36.6  97.9
        Cyprus is among the world leaders in telecommunication   September  31.1  88.0  33.9  93.0
        facilities and a regional pioneer in introducing the latest   October  27.4  81.3  27.8  82.0
        technology in this field. CYTA  (Cyprus Telecommunications   November  22.1  71.8  21.0  69.8
        Authority)  and  several  private  companies  in  this  field   December  18.7  65.7  17.3  63.1
        provide facilities enabling subscriber direct dial access to
        every country of the world, ship-to-shore satellite links,

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