Page 11 - CCM_Program_Reb_2023 (1)_Neat
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Unit Implementation Planning
and Execution
Implementation within operations requires several For those in management at the Unit, additional
steps to be completed in order to establish the Critical training is needed in order to explain in more
Control Management process properly and ensure depth what the responsibilities of those involved
people involved know what is expected of them. It is will be in terms of implementation and sustaining
important to explain why this is being done, how it the program effectively. Regardless of when a Unit
should be done, and provide the necessary tools to begins their journey in Critical Control Management,
be successful. a structured implementation is necessary to ensure
good execution. A basic implementation plan is
People involved from a Unit should receive a basic
overview of the Critical Control Management illustrated in the table below.
program and explanation of why it is important
as part of training and awareness – this guide is a
component to understanding the program.
Unit-Specific Implementation Phases:
Implementation What to do How to do it When to do it
Communicate purpose and overview - Review CCM 1-pager Week 1-3
Training and of Critical Control Management - Review Program Guide
Awareness Affected individuals complete training - Review guidance materials and translate as required
materials - Register and attend webinar session Week 3-6
Select all P.U.E.s that apply to unit - Unit Plan P.U.E. section identify all P.U.E.s
Assign accountability - Formalize ownership for each P.U.E.
Planning and Plan Verification Schedule - Fill Unit Plan Calendar section
Organizing Week 6-8
(unit to develop Plan review of performance or
own plan) integrate to existing meetings - Fill Unit Plan meeting schedule section
Provide access to iCare to all affected - Users to confirm ability to login/access modules
- Owners complete Verifications Reviews per
Complete VPC’s and Verification schedule and enter in iCare
Verifying Week 9 onward
Reviews - Anyone doing VPCs makes sure 25% are
on Critical Controls
- Address actions immediately
Ongoing Actions Complete actions as they come up Week 9 onward
- Enter into iCare system with dates/owners
- Review performance data on all P.U.E.s
Monitor regularly
- Discuss during monthly meeting
Performance Adjust - Determine actions to address underperformance Week 12 onward
- Share results and keep teams updated on
Feedback to team
Holcim Group HSE • Critical Control Management - Program Guide 11