Page 8 - CCM_Program_Reb_2023 (1)_Neat
P. 8

1             Ownership and


          To ensure the risk of an unwanted event is being     Each Priority Unwanted Event (P.U.E.) that applies to
          managed, the controls must work effectively.         the Unit has an owner assigned to it. This should be a
          This requires controls to be monitored through       senior manager, typically who reports directly to the
          verification activities that are assigned to specific   Unit Manager. Owners have ongoing responsibility
          owners. The assignment of those accountable to       for the P.U.E. they are assigned, so it helps if the
          verify must be outlined in the Unit Verification     P.U.E. relates to their role or they have some previous
          Implementation Plan so that it is clear for everyone   knowledge on the risk area.

          P.U.E. owners are responsible for:

           Completing and reporting Quarterly Verification Reviews

           Monitoring VPC data of their respective P.U.E.(s)

           Monitoring the ongoing performance/health of their respective P.U.E.(s)

           Actively discussing at monthly meetings

           Supporting action closure

           8  Holcim Group HSE • Critical Control Management - Program Guide
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