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3             Reporting and


          Completed  Verification  Review  and  Critical  VPC   Response to Inadequate Performance
          performance is captured in the reporting tools       (Embrace the Red)
          through the use of simple questionnaires. The        Detailed and thorough Verification Reviews are
          purpose of reporting is to efficiently communicate   likely to find performance elements that are not
          variances between expected and actual performance.   always 100%  Green. This should  be valued and
          Reports are completed for a given Critical Control   appreciated as an opportunity to address the
          related to a P.U.E.. Each P.U.E. requires minimum    deficiency in a Critical Control or element of the
          quarterly reporting.
                                                               supporting management system. Expecting that no
          Reported entries are based on YES / NO questions.    gap will exist is not realistic, does not account for
          The results  indicate health  of the control shown   variability in the operating environment and may
          through a traffic light system according to each     have undesired consequences that hamper integrity
          critical control. Within a Priority Unwanted Event,   in reporting. Red and Yellow should be embraced as
          individual controls show as red, green, or yellow. If   helpful indicators  of where focused  action can be
          a critical control is not green, then action must be   most effective in managing risk.
          taken to address any noted deficiencies.

                                                                     Talk to those who do the work
               Expected performance not achieved                     to understand performance
               „ control is not working

               Expected performance achieved inconsistently
               „ control effectiveness decreases
                                                               Inadequate    performance     identified  during
               Expected performance consistently matches       Verification Reviews or Critical VPCs should result in
               actual performance                              action being taken to address the issues identified.
               „ control is effective                          Actions should be logged in the reporting tool for
                                                               tracking and follow-up.
          Verification Review data summaries should be         Verification Reviews are intended as a process to
          reviewed monthly with the Unit Manager and team      not only identify non-conformance but also as a
          to identify where improvement efforts should be      mechanism to understand why the critical control
          directed and discuss underlying causes of gaps.      is not in place or ineffective and why things go well
          Performance of Critical Controls must be incorporated   in other instances.  In order to prevent recurring
          into a regular management meeting and scheduled      issues, it is important to investigate the causes of
          in advance. Both Quarterly Reviews and VPCs are to   Critical Control underperformance. These should
          be included in the monthly meeting discussion.       be a topic of discussion at monthly meetings.
                                                               Verification Review investigation outcomes should
                                                               drive improvement to elevate the Unit’s Critical
                                                               Control Management process.

          P.U.E.: Fall from Height                                     Overall P.U.E. Health
          Critical Controls                    Owner            Health  Action

          Pre-job Plan                         Line Manager 1          Ensure permits signed before issuing
          Barriers, Railing, Covered Openings  Line Manager 1          Signage for coverings on silo
          Certified Work Access Equipment      Line Manager 1          Add certification stickers to MEWP
          Personal Fall Protection Equipment   Line Manager 1          Recognition of team x for performance

          10  Holcim Group HSE • Critical Control Management - Program Guide
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