Page 167 - Wake Up and do Your Thing
P. 167

restaurant and see someone smiling walking towards you, think about the signal their smile sends.
Not everybody has a great smile, and I know this because I don"t. But I learned a little trick many years ago when I was a fashion photographer. This might surprise you, but not all professional fashion models have a natural smile. But they do have a trick to make their faces light up and their eyes smile. They say the word !great” over and over in bursts of three. !Great, great, great.” This creates the look of a natural smile.
Open and Closed Body Language
There are two basic types of body language: open and closed. Open exposes your heart, and closed defends it. Open says, !I am open to getting to know you;” closed signals, !stay away.”
Open body language includes keeping your arms and legs uncrossed, facing the person with an easy physical attitude and keeping your movements slow and relaxed. Positive, open body language and gestures reach out to others—they"re the subconscious version of a good hug or a heart-to-heart talk.
If open body language is like a warm hug, closed body language is like getting the cold shoulder. It"s defensive and shuts people out. Closed gestures include avoiding eye contact, crossing your arms and/or legs, turning your body

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