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change to permit the proposed planned development district and to
                schedule the required public hearing. If the Board fails to initiate
                such a change within 30 days, the petitioner may file a petition
                directly with the Clerk/Treasurer as provided by law.

(e) Village Board Action. Within 30 days following receipt of the report of the
        Plan Commission, the Village Board shall approve the recommendation,
        approve the recommendation with modifications, disapprove the
        recommendation or refer the matter back to the Plan Commission for
        further consideration. In the case of approval or approval with
        modification, the Village Board shall adopt an ordinance establishing the
        planned development district and approving the general development plan
        and therein may impose such conditions as it deems necessary to insure that
        the development conforms to such plan. Such approval of a general
        development plan shall establish the basic right of use for the area in
        conformity with the plan as approved, but shall be conditioned upon
        approval of a precise implementation plan, and shall not make permissible
        any of the uses as proposed until a precise implementation plan is submitted
        and approved for all or a portion of the general development plan.

(f) Precise Implementation Plan. A precise plan for implementation of all or a
        part of a proposed planned development district may be submitted
        concurrently with a general development plan or within a reasonable period
        of time as determined by the Village Board. If a precise implementation
        plan, which the Village Board determines to be a reasonable phase of the
        total plan, has not been submitted within such time, the Village Board may
        revoke the approval of the general development plan. The precise
        implementation plan shall present in greater detail the information given
        approximately in the general development plan and include sufficient detail
        to show substantial conformity to the general development plan. The
        precise implementation plan shall include the following detailed
        construction and engineering plans and related detailed documents and

        1. An accurate map of the area covered by the plan, including the
                relationship to the total general development plan, at scale of 1” =
                100’ with contour lines at 2’ intervals.

        2. The pattern of public and private roads, driveways, walkways and
                parking facilities and proposed design and construction standards.

        3. Detailed lot layout and subdivision plat where required.

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