Page 75 - Ordinance Chapter 17
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hereunder shall be considered to waive any of the covenants or agreements
                limiting the use of land, buildings, structures and improvements within the
                planned development unless specifically so stated.

        (k) Extension or Revocation. If no substantial construction has begun in the
                planned development within 2 years after the approval by the Village Board
                of a precise implementation plan, the plan shall be subject to revocation
                upon written notice to applicant from the Village Board. The applicant
                may also be required to appear before the Village Board to show cause as to
                why the approved plan should not be revoked. The Village Board may
                grant extensions of the applicant’s time to begin implementation of the
                approved plan, if circumstances warrant. In the event of revocation
                hereunder, an appropriate instrument of revocation shall be filed in the
                Racine County Register of Deeds’ office. For purposes of this section,
                “substantial construction” shall mean that building permits for at least 30
                percent of the proposed construction, or the proposed construction phase if
                the development is to be constructed in phases, have been obtained.

        (1) Additions. Land contiguous to an existing planned development may be
                added to such planned development provided such land is made a part of
                the original development plan in all respects prior to its incorporation into
                such plan by an amendment of the development plan as provided in par. (j).


(1) USES. In the Government and Institutional District no building or premises shall
        be used and no building shall hereafter be erected or structurally altered, unless
        otherwise provided in this chapter, except for one or more of the following uses:

        (a) Churches; public and private schools, colleges, universities, libraries and
                museums; government buildings; public parking and public storage yards,
                shops and storage yards; and penal or correctional institutions.

        (b) Hospitals and clinics.

        (c) Public parks and recreational facilities and buildings.

        (d) Community center buildings and grounds.

        (e) Any other uses similar in character to those specifically set forth above.

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