Page 288 - VillageOrdinanceBook
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Chapter 12 - Licenses and Permits

        succeeding the date of issue, unless sooner revoked. Such license shall not be
        transferable from one person to another nor from one premise to another.

(3) DISPLAY. All persons granted licenses under this section shall cause their
        licenses to be prominently displayed in their places of business.

(4) REQUIRED RECORDS. Every licensed retailer shall keep complete and accurate
        records of all purchases and receipts of cigarettes and tobacco products. Such
        records shall be preserved on the licensed premises for two years in such manner
        as to ensure permanency and accessibility for inspection and shall be subject to
        inspection at all reasonable hours by authorized law enforcement officials.

(5) PENALTY. Any person, firm or corporation violating this section shall forfeit not
        more than $100 nor less than $25 for the first offense and not more than $200 nor
        less than $25 for the second or subsequent offense. If upon such second or
        subsequent violation, the person so violating this section was personally guilty of a
        failure to exercise due care to prevent violation thereof, the person shall forfeit not
        more than $300 nor less than $25. Conviction shall immediately terminate the
        license of the person convicted of being personally guilty of such failure to
        exercise due care and the person shall not be entitled to another license hereunder
        for a period of five years thereafter, nor shall the person in that period act as the
        servant or agent of a person licensed hereunder for the performance of the acts
        authorized by such license. The Village Board of Trustees may revoke any license
        issued pursuant to this section, pursuant to Section 12.02 (10) of this Municipal
        Code, if the license holders or their agents or employees are found to have violated
        Section 9.134.66 of this Municipal Code.

12.18 TENTS.

(1) DEFINITION. As used in this section “tent” shall mean a portable, temporary
        shelter or structure, the covering of which is a pliable material greater than 12 feet
        by 12 feet, with or without sides.

(2) PERMIT REQUIRED. No person shall place or set up and no owner or lessor
        shall allow to be placed or set up any tent intended to be used for business or
        commercial purposes or for public assembly unless a tent permit is obtained from
        the Building Inspector and the appropriate permit fee is paid before the tent is

(3) INSPECTION. Every tent erected in the Village must comply with the Wisconsin
        Administrative Code and be approved by the Fire Inspector before the tent may be
        occupied or used. Seating arrangements and displays in tents shall also be subject

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