Page 286 - VillageOrdinanceBook
P. 286

Chapter 12 - Licenses and Permits

        (b) Height. The height shall be measured at the withers, high point of the
                shoulders, with legs straight underneath. The maximum acceptable height
                is 18” with the ideal height being less than 14”.

        (c) Length. In acceptable proportion to height.

        (d) Weight. The maximum acceptable weight is 95 lbs. with the ideal weight
                being less than 50 lbs.

        (e) Head. Ears shall be small and erect, somewhat flat. The nose shall be short
                to medium length in proportion to the head, allowing for free passage of air
                when breathing normally. The eyes shall be deep and wide set, clear, of
                varying color, except when evidence of albinism. The jowl shall be
                obvious and in proportion to head. The bite shall be even and correct,
                should not be over shot or under shot.

        (f) Body. The back should be swayed through the saddle. The shoulders shall
                be sloping evenly from side to side. The neck should be short. The rump
                should flow gently to the base of the tail. The tail should be straight, of
                medium length with a switch on the end. The belly viewed from the side
                should be obviously rounded, but not exaggerated or touching the ground.
                Viewed from the top the belly should not round from the backbone and
                have only slight lateral protuberance. There shall be at least 5 pairs of teats,
                evenly spaced.

        (g) Feet and Legs. The legs should be wide set standing well on the pasterns.
                The feet shall stand squarely with 2 toes of equal length on each pointing

        (h) Skin. Wrinkles may or may not be present. Hair will lay evenly over the
                back with seasonal variation. The color shall be black or black and white.

        (i) Disposition. All pot-bellied pigs should be tractable and nonaggressive.

(3) LICENSE REQUIRED. No pot-bellied pig shall be allowed in the Village unless
        licensed in compliance with the following license requirements:

        (a) Pot-bellied pigs are to be inoculated for erysipelas, pneumonia, rhinitis,
                rabies (once every 3 years).

        (b) Pot-bellied pigs are to be spayed or neutered. Breeding of pot-bellied pigs
                is prohibited in the Village.

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