Page 282 - VillageOrdinanceBook
P. 282

Chapter 12 - Licenses and Permits

(2) LICENSES FEE. Such license may be obtained by paying to the Clerk/Treasurer
        the license fee required by Section 12.01 of this chapter for each day the same is
        operated and not held within a hall, opera house or church.



        (a) Public Dance. Includes any dance or ball to which the public generally
                may gain admission with or without the payment of a fee, whether such
                dance or ball constitutes all or part of the program or entertainment.

        (b) Public Dance Hall. Includes any room, place or space in which a public
                dance may be held or any ballroom or academy in which classes in dancing
                are held or instruction in dancing given for hire.

(2) LICENSE REQUIRED. No person shall hold any public dance or classes in
        dancing or give instructions in dancing for hire in any public dance hall within the
        Village limits until the public dance hall in which the same may be given or held
        shall first have been licensed for such purposes. No person shall permit any room
        or building owned or controlled by him to be used for the purpose of a public
        dance hall unless the same shall be licensed as herein provided.


        (a) Any person desiring to procure a license as provided in this section shall
                file a written application with the Village Board. Such application shall
                contain the names, residences and ages of the applicant, if an individual,
                firm or partnership or the names of the principal officers, their residences
                and ages, if the applicant is an association or corporation. It shall also
                contain the name of one or more persons whom such firm, partnership,
                corporation or association shall designate a manager or person in charge
                and address of the same. The application shall further state the following:

                1. Length of time the applicant has resided in the Village, previous
                         places of employment, whether he has been convicted of violating
                         any law or ordinance regulating the conduct of public dance halls or
                         public dances and, if so, when and in what court.

                2. Premises where such public dance hall is to be located or conducted,
                         street and number of all entrances, location of any room to be

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