Page 281 - VillageOrdinanceBook
P. 281

Chapter 12 - Licenses and Permits

                3. The conduct of the proposed parade will not interfere with the
                         movement of fire fighting equipment.

                4. The parade is scheduled to move from its point of origin to its point
                         of termination expeditiously and without unreasonable delays

(5) NOTICE OF REJECTION. The Village Board shall act upon the application for a
        parade permit within 15 days after filing thereof. The Clerk/Treasurer shall notify
        the applicant by mail of the action of the Village Board. If the permit is denied,
        the Village Board shall specify the reasons therefor. If the Village Board issues an
        alternative permit, it shall specify the conditions thereof.

(6) ALTERNATIVE PERMIT. The Village Board in denying an application for a
        parade permit may authorize the conduct of the proposed parade on a date, at a
        time or over a route different from that named by the applicant. An applicant
        desiring to accept an alternative permit shall within 5 days after the mailing of the
        notice of the action of the Village Board by the Clerk/Treasurer file a notice of
        acceptance with the Clerk/Treasurer. Upon receipt of such notice the
        Clerk/Treasurer shall deliver an alternative permit to the applicant.

(7) CONTENTS OF PERMIT. Each parade permit shall have attached thereto a copy
        of the application pursuant to which it had been granted and shall contain a
        statement that the permit is granted on the condition that the conduct of the parade
        conform to the information stated in the application. In addition to the above, each
        alternative permit shall contain a statement of modification as to time, date or
        route made by the Village Board and shall have attached thereto a copy of the
        applicant’s notice of acceptance of such modification.

(8) DUTIES OF PERMITTEE. A permittee hereunder shall comply with all permit
        directions and conditions and with all applicable laws and ordinances.

(9) POSSESSION OF PERMIT. The parade chairman or other person heading or
        leading the parade shall carry the parade permit upon his person during the
        conduct of the parade.


(1) No person shall, within the Village, exhibit any carnival, menagerie, museum,
        collection of curiosities or show of any kind to which admission is gained by the
        payment of money without first having obtained a license therefor as provided in
        this section.

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