Page 307 - VillageOrdinanceBook
P. 307

Chapter 13 – Municipal Utilities

charge paid by the Village, the Racine Utility may provide written notice to the Village
and charge the Village for the difference (between the original charge and the
recalculated connection charge). In the event the Racine Utility charges the Village for
any recalculated connection charges, such costs constitute an additional connection
charge pursuant to Section 13.01(10)(a), and commercial and/or industrial users shall
reimburse the Village upon demand for said charge.

(12) Payment & Penalty for Recalculated Connection Charges.

A bill for recalculated connection charges shall become due and payable upon receipt.
Such recalculated connection charges levied by the Village against the property
owner/occupant in accordance with this chapter shall be a debt due to the Village and
shall be a lien upon the property. If not paid within 60 days after it shall be due, it shall
be deemed delinquent and may be placed on the current or next tax roll for collection and
settlement under Chapter 74 of the Wisconsin Statutes. Any such sewer charge placed
onto the tax roll shall be assessed an additional 10% penalty. Change of ownership or
occupancy of premises found delinquent shall not be cause for reducing or eliminating
these penalties.


(1) PURPOSE. To protect public health, safety and welfare, and to prevent
        contamination of groundwater by assuring that unused, unsafe or noncomplying
        wells, or wells which may act as conduits for contamination of groundwater, or
        wells which may be illegally cross-connected to the municipal water system, are
        properly abandoned.

(2) APPLICABILITY. This ordinance applies to all wells located on premises located
        within the municipal boundaries of the Village of Sturtevant and served by the
        City of Racine municipal water system.


        (a) “Municipal water system” means a community water system owned by a
                city, village, county, town, town sanitary district, utility district or a federal,
                state, county, or municipal owned institution for congregate care or
                correction, or a privately owned water utility serving the foregoing.

        (b) “Noncomplying” means a well or pump installation which does not comply
                with §NR 812.42, Wisconsin Administrative Code, Standards for Existing
                Installation, and which has not been granted a variance pursuant to §NR
                812.43, Wisconsin Administrative Code.

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