Page 312 - VillageOrdinanceBook
P. 312

Chapter 13 – Municipal Utilities

(4) SEPARATE FUND. The Village Treasurer, under the direction of the Committee,
        shall keep a separate account of all moneys or income received from all sewer
        utility rates or charges collected relating to the sewer system, and the fund thereby
        created shall be devoted to the expense of maintaining and operating such system.
        Expenditures from such fund are to be made only upon orders approved by the
        Village Board. Checks issued against the account of the sewer utility shall be
        signed by the Clerk and President. A monthly financial report shall be made to the
        Village Board by the Village Treasurer.

(5) BUDGETS. Annually, on or before November 15 of each year, the Committee
        shall prepare and submit to the Village Board a proposed budget for the operation
        of the sewer utility for the ensuing year. Upon approval of the Village Board, the
        budget shall constitute the budget for the sewer utility for such year. This budget
        will also be submitted to the residents of the Village at a public hearing.

(6) ACCOUNTABILITY. Annually, the Committee shall cause an audit to be made
        of the utility and shall submit a report thereof to the Village Board.

        sewer system shall be made by and under the direction of the Village Board. The
        Committee shall have the power to authorize emergency repairs subject to
        ratification by the Village Board. All extensions must be reviewed and approved
        by the Racine Wastewater Utility and Department of Natural Resources.

(8) MAPS. The Committee shall prepare and keep on file maps showing the location,
        size and type of all mains of the sanitary sewers, and shall from time to time make
        such additions or alterations on such maps corresponding to the additions or
        alterations in the system. One map shall be kept in the office of the Village Clerk.

                       III. SEWER USE AND WASTEWATER RATE


APPROVING AUTHORITY. The Storm & Wastewater Committee of the Village or its
authorized deputy, agent or representative.

BOD (denoting Biochemical Oxygen Demand). The quantity of oxygen utilized in the
biochemical oxidation of organic matter in 5 days at 20°C, expressed as milligrams per
liter (mg/1). Quantitative determination of BOD shall be made in accordance with
procedures set forth in “Standard Methods.”

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