Page 13 - Leaflet-A4_FINALv3
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Aughrim Granite Headstone 3.3 Aughrim Granite Headstones Blue Slate Headstones
The Aughrim granite headstones The blue slate headstones are the The decoration on the headstone
a term coined by Chris Corlett and most numerous style of headstone, dedicated to the Toole’s (19.4) which
comprises a large body of unsigned Corlett has identified over 120 so far is carved within a sunburst comprises
distinctive headstones. The in Wicklow’s Graveyards. They are a small incised cross with an IHS
headstones are carved in bold relief found in the east of the county only monogram beneath the cross. A pair
and completely different in style to and were all carved by an unnamed of incised spirals flank the main panel
contemporary headstones like those sculptor. The two examples at Preban and perhaps represent the influence
of Denis Cullen. They are based on feature a rounded top and stepped of Denis Cullen.
architectural forms from the Baroque shoulders with deeply carved writing
period and in particular furniture as (14.3 and 19.14). The decoration The headstone dedicated to James
represented by the rosettes that differs between the two headstones. Byrne dates from 1775 however the
feature on so many headstones. The The Byrne headstone comprises date of his daughter Bridget’s death
date range of these headstones in a cross in relief surrounded by a is not commemorated (14.3) The
Preban are from 1738-1776. sunburst and the inscription reads date is also missing from the second
‘Glory be to God on High and Peace headstone dedicated to Mary and
There are eleven Aughrim Granite to men of good will’ (14.3). John Toole, however the inscription is
headstones at Preban (3.3, 4.6, 9.8, interesting ‘beging of all Cristins prayr’
10.5, 10.7, 10.12, 11.1, 11.3, 13.7, (19.14).
14.4 and 16.1).
Denis Cullen
Denis Cullen from Monaseed County
Wexford carved some of the finest
headstones in Wicklow and Wexford
between the late 1750s and 1780s.
He carved in greenstone and the skill
and quality of his work influenced
many stonecutters of the era. Cullen
in best known for his carvings of the
crucifixion scene, a great example of
this can be seen in Preban, headstone
4.5 which commemorates John Blue Slate Headstone 14.3
Dumville who died in 1783.
There are five headstones carved by Purple Slate Headstones Purple Slate Headstone 10.10
Cullen in Preban which display his The purple slate headstones a term to the 1780’s. They were carved by at
differing styles depicting crucifixion coined by Chris Corlett refers to a least four stone cutters and the slate
scenes, angels, sunbursts and his group of headstones made from may have come from a slate quarry
ornate cursive script (2.3, 4.5, 15.2, purple slate and like the Blue Slate in Ashford. There is one headstone
18.8 and 19.10). The date range for Headstones are numerous in quantity. here in Preban dedidicated to David
the headstones which Cullen carved They span the era between 1720 up Harney who died in 1780 (10.10).
in Preban is between 1765 and 1783. Denis Cullen headstone 4.5
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