Page 8 - Leaflet-A4_FINALv3
P. 8

Church ruins, bullán stone, and
                                                               stone crosses (500- 1600AD)                                       Local tradition records that the well                an early monastic site. Typically,

                                                                                                                                 was blessed by St. Aidan and his feast               these sites were enclosed by an
                                                               The medieval period in Ireland began                              day is the 31st January. Maura Carty                 earthen bank within which the first
                                                               around 500 A.D and the latter part                                who was one of the oldest surviving                  timber  churches  were  built.  There

                                                               of this century saw the beginnings                                inhabitants in Preban remembers that                 are the ruins of a stone church at
                                                               of extensive missionary activity in                               people would go to the well nine days                Preban which may date to the 12th
                                                               Ireland. St Patrick is the best known                             on a row before the feast of the saint               century based on the architectural
                                                               of the early missionaries. This was                               and that people would tie red rags                   fragments which lie among the
                                                               a time of massive social change as                                to a hawthorn tree which still grows                 headstones. This church may have
                                                               pagans were converted to the new                                  beside the well. When the rags rotted                replaced an earlier wooden one.

                                                               and soon to be dominant religion.                                 away so did the disease or illness.                  The remains of a church are located
                                                               As monastic centres became more                                                                                        in the northwest corner of the site
                                                               predominant after the 8th century                                 The association with St Aidan                        comprising low stony banks which
                                                               the newly established church                                      indicates that Preban may have been                  measures c.12m x 4m.
                                                               encouraged communities to bury

                                                               their dead in consecrated ground.
                                                               Prior to this the dead were buried in
                                                               familial burial grounds.

                                                               Little is known about the early history
                                                               of the Irish church and this is also
                                                               true in the case of Preban. However,

                                                               a holy well located 120m west of the
                                                               graveyard indicates the early origins
                                                               of the site. This holy well is dedicated
                                                               to St Aidan, who was the first bishop
                                                               of Ferns around 570 AD. Saint Aidan

                                                               was known for performing many
                                                               miracles including making a beautiful
                                                               stag invisible so that he wouldn’t be
                                                               attacked by hounds.

                                                              Photo of Saint Aidan from Annacurra Church.

                                                                                                                                 Photo of ruined Preban Church.

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