Page 7 - Leaflet-A4_FINALv3
P. 7

In 2010 a small group of local

 neighbours came together and set
 up a committee with the sole aim   Archaeology & History
 of cleaning away the overgrowth of
 vegetation and generally to make
 the area more accessible to anybody
 who wanted to or who had to visit.                                Neolithic Rock Art

                                                                   (c. 4000-2400 BC)
 What started off as a small project
 has become a much bigger project                                  As you wander through this ancient
                                                                   graveyard you will see Neolithic
 made possible by the efforts of so
 many people who have been bitten                                  rock  art, the ruins of a stone

 by the beauty, heritage and history                               church, a bullaun stone and two
 of the graveyard. This booklet is   1960 Commemoration at Ballinglen Bridge  stone  crosses,  nestled  between
 (Photo: Patrick Walsh)
 our attempt to preserve by record                                 headstones. Beyond the confines of
                                                                   the graveyard a geophysical survey
 what we have uncovered so far and
 hope that it will highlight the unique                            completed in 2014 illustrates how
 reservoir of information that Preban                              much archaeology is yet uncovered

 graveyard holds.                                                  in the fields surrounding the
                                                                   graveyard. The earliest headstone
                     Rock Art 1. Note the faint lightly pecked     dates back as far as 1783. Although
 We are not the first group to have   circles with pock marks in the centre.
 held commemorations at Preban                                     there are many graves that just
 graveyard which illustrates how                                   contain a simple stone as a grave-

 important preserving history is to our                            marker, other graves were marked
 community.  In the 1960’s thousands                               by finely sculpted headstones. The
                                                                   following paragraphs highlight the
 gathered to watch the unveiling of
 a plaque at Ballinglen Bridge to the                              archaeology you will encounter as
 Lacey Brothers buried in Preban                                   you wander through the graveyard.
 graveyard  by  the  Taoiseach  Sean
 Lemass. In 1998 President Mary   Yoemen of 1798 re-enactment in 1960  Rock Art 2. Although this schist flagstone   The earliest archaeology you will
                                                                   encounter  at  Preban is  in  the
 McAleese unveiled a memorial seat   (Photo: Patrick Walsh)  is weathered and may have removed some
 celebrating the bi-centenary of the   decoration there are the remains of 14 cup-  form of Neolithic Rock Art which
 1798 Rising.             marks in total on the stone.             may date back to the between
                                                                   4000-2400 BC. There are three

 This booklet follows on from our                                  decorated stones in the graveyard
                                                                   all appear to have been re-used as
 initial project in 2014 for Heritage
 Week where we screened a two-                                     headstones. Chris Corlett suggests
 part documentary in the Courthouse                                that they may have been chosen
 Arts Centre in Tinahely and contains                              by people who could not afford
 further layers of information which                               a headstone carved by a stone
                                                                   mason or perhaps their  ancient
 we have gleaned from this open-

 air museum and art gallery that is   1998 Commemoration at Ballinglen Bridge  Rock Art 3. This thin schist stone which is   association and decoration made
 Preban Graveyard.  (Photo: Patrick Walsh)  also weathered contains 23 cup-marks on   them attractive as grave markers.
                            one side of its face only.

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