Page 10 - Leaflet-A4_FINALv3
P. 10

Other features contemporary with                   over sixty thousand acres in Wicklow. He
        the church site include a bullaun                  has been described as clever scheming                                 The Stone Masons
        stone and two small stone crosses.                 and manipulative to such an extent that
        The term ‘bullaun’ (from the Irish                 he was known as Black Tom. During the
        word  ‘bullán’,  which  means  a                   eighteenth and nineteenth centuries

        round hollow in a stone, or a bowl)                Preban became a popular burial ground
        is applied to boulders of stone or                 with at least fifteen different stone masons                          There is a treasure trove of 18th century headstones here in Preban which
        bedrock with hollows or basin-like                 erecting headstones in the graveyard.                                 is an open-air art gallery of 18th century sculpture. Chris Corlett’s book
        depressions. Their exact function                                                                                        ‘Here Lyeth The 18th-century headstones of Wicklow’ has been our bible
        is unknown but they may have                                                                                             in relation to identifying the stone masons at Preban. We have tried to
        functioned as mortars for grinding,                                                                                      identify all the stonemasons working here between the period 1759 and

        or used for religious purposes and                                                                                       1819 and to date that is eight stonemasons who carved thirty headstones
        are often found at early medieval                                                                                        in Preban.
        church sites like Preban.
                                                                                                                                 These  were  professional  stone                     There are nine more headstones

        The Dissolution of the Monasteries                                                                                       cutters whose work and skill were                    whose carving and style are of

        between 1536 and 1541 by Henry                                                                                           highly sought after as can be seen                   stonemasons which are as yet
        VIII ordered the closure of Catholic                                                                                     in the quantity and quality of the                   unknown. It is highly likely that their
        monasteries, priories, convents and                                                                                      headstones in Preban. Below is a list                work is also on display in other local
        friaries and transferred their lands                                                                                     of all the stone cutters whose work                  graveyards  in  County  Wicklow  and
        to those loyal to the king. Henry                                                                                        we were able to identify between                     possible that one of their headstones
        introduced the Protestant faith as                                                                                       1738 and 1819. As all the headstones                 is signed and awaiting discovery. It is
        the established church. He declared                                                                                      are numbered you will be able to                     hoped that future surveys will enable

        himself head of this new church and                Bullán stone. Note the bowl which may have been                       locate them on the accompanying                      us to identify and record the works
        seized all the income and assets                   used for grinding or religious purposes.                              map in this booklet. They are                        of these highly skilled stone masons
        of the Catholic Church. This policy                                                                                      discussed below by date range from                   which are vulnerable to the elements.
        of dissolution was envisaged to                                                                                          earliest to latest (1738-1819).
        increase the crown’s income and to

        fund military campaigns. We do not
        know when exactly Preban fell out of
        use as there are no historic records.
        However monastic sites such as
        Preban would have been dissolved
        under the reign of Henry VIII.

        In the 17th century Preban parish
        is listed as being in the possession
        of Thomas Wentworth the 1st Earl
        of  Stratford  and  Lord  Deputy  of

        Ireland. Wentworth had property
        in England but wanted to establish
        himself in Ireland and acquired                    Stone crosses from Preban Graveyard.

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