Page 89 - Our World 2E_AmE_L3_SB-
P. 89


 1  Listen and say. Write the animals in the correct groups. TR: 5.5  Infinitive of purpose TR: 5.6

                Giraffes use their long tongues to clean their ears.
 fur  horns
                Goats use their horns to fight.

               1    Read and match. Then say in pairs.

                    1. Zebras use their black and white fur                    a. to carry their babies.

                    2. Cats use their tongues                                  b. to eat meat.
 a pouch  wings

                    3. Kangaroos use their pouches                             c. to clean their fur.

                    4. Elephants use their long trunks                         d. to swim in the ocean.

 a tongue
                    5. Tigers use their sharp teeth                            e. to shower.

                    6. Penguins use their wings                                f. to hide in the grasslands.
   butterfly   cat   duck    goat    kangaroo
   monkey   parrot   penguin   polar bear   rabbit
               2    Play a game. Cut out the cubes in the back of the book.
 pouch  fur  wings  horns  Work with a partner. Make sentences.


                             Dogs use their trunks           That’s not true! Elephants use their trunks
                             to drink water.                 to drink water! Dogs don’t have trunks!

 2   Guess and stick. Work with a partner.

 This animal is big and white. It lives
 in the snow. It has sharp claws.
 It’s a polar bear!

 1  2  3  4  5

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