Page 92 - Our World 2E_AmE_L3_SB-
P. 92


          1    Read about Mounira’s animal. Underline words that tell you what                                                         Help protect

               the animal looks like. Write the name of the animal.
                                                                                                                                       animal habitats.

                    My name is Mounira. I live by the Nile
                 River. This animal lives here. What is it?

                 Can you guess?

                    It lives in the river. It’s brown and it has

                 black spots on its back. It has four short                                                                            Think. Pair. Share.
                 legs and a long tail. It has big eyes on top                                                                          •  Why is it important to

                 of its head, and it uses them to see above                                                                               protect animal habitats?

                 the water. It has a strong mouth and                                                                                  •  How can you help

                 sharp teeth! It can walk and it can swim.                                                                                protect animal habitats?
                    It is scary, but I like it!

                    Yes! It’s a                                   .

          2    Write about an animal you like.

          3    Share your writing. Work in a small group. Listen and fill in the chart.

                    Name             Animal            Where it lives            What it looks like

                                                                                                                                       Maasai Mara National Reserve, Kenya

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