Page 90 - Our World 2E_AmE_L3_SB-
P. 90

        READING                                                                                                                                Read. Circle the correct words.

                                                                                                                                               1. Rain forests are in countries far from / near the Equator.
          1    Listen and read. TR: 5.7
               Amazing Rain Forests                                                                                                            2. Plants make a lot of oxygen / water.

                                                                                                                                               3. Plants need light / oxygen to live.

                   Rain forests are warm, wet forests. They are in countries near
               the Equator—in Central America, South America, Africa, Southeast                                                                4. Many leopards / birds live in the top part of the rain forest.
               Asia, and Australia. Rain forests are important. They’re homes for

               millions of animals and plants. The plants in rain forests make much                                                            5. Many large animals live on the forest floor / tops of trees.
               of the oxygen that people in the world need to live.

                              A RAIN FOREST HAS FOUR PARTS:
                                                                                                                                         3     Complete the chart. Use these words. You can use some
                              Emergent                                                                                                         words more than once.
                              In this part, you can see the tops of very
                              tall trees. They are sometimes 60 m (200 ft.)                                                                            birds   dark   large animals   monkeys   snakes   spiders   sunny
                              tall! Many different birds, butterflies, and

                              other insects live here.

                              In this part of the forest, the trees have
                              many leaves. Birds, spiders, tree frogs,

                              monkeys, and snakes live here.


                              In this part of the forest, it is dark, wet, and
                              cool. There aren’t many plants. Why? Because
                              plants need light to live. Snakes and lizards
                              live here. Jaguars like to live in this part, too!

                              Forest floor
                              In this part, there are many insects and
                              spiders. Some spiders are as big as plates!                                                                4     Talk about the different

                              There are many large animals. And people                                                                         parts of the rain forest.                                                There are gorillas
                              live here, too!
                                                                                                                                               Work with a partner.                                                     in this part.

                                                                                Howler monkeys are very,
                                                                                very loud. You can hear them
                                                                                from 5 km (3 mi.) away.
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