Page 167 - Our World 2E_AmE_L5_SB -
P. 167


                  2     Read. Check T for True and F for False.
 1  Listen and read. TR: 9.10
                        1.  Darma is telling the story.                               T     F
 Surviving Krakatoa     2. Melati and Darma slept at their aunt’s house.              T     F

 My sister and I were lucky. We survived   “No. Something bad might happen,”   3. Melati and Darma’s aunt survived the tsunami.   T    F

 the tsunami that came after Krakatoa   she said.  4.  A hurricane caused the tsunami.   T    F
 erupted in 1883. Many people didn’t live.
 Let me tell you what happened.  I took her hand and pulled her up the
 path. We couldn’t see much. We climbed   3  Read. With a partner, put the items in order.
 Our house was high on a hill above   as fast as we could. Suddenly, there was a
 the town of Anjer. My little sister, Melati,   strange calm. Then a wall of water roared    There was a strange silence.
 didn’t like this because whenever we had   over Anjer.    They woke up but everything was dark and there were ashes everywhere.
 to go into town, we had to walk a long    Their parents found them.

 way. I liked the walk down into Anjer. I   “A tsunami! Run Melati!” I shouted.   They left the town and started climbing the hill.
 could look across the sea. Often I could see   We ran. We heard horrible crashing but   1
 the volcano on Krakatoa Island.  we didn’t look back.   There was smoke and light above Krakatoa. They heard loud explosions.
                              The first tsunami covered the town.
 Melati and I were visiting our cousins   It went silent again. Then we heard
 in Anjer but something was wrong. We   another roar. A bigger tsunami rushed up
 heard eruptions from Krakatoa. They   the hill toward us.  4  Express yourself. Choose an activity.
 were as loud as a hundred thunder claps.   1.  After the tsunami, Darma’s family faced many problems. Imagine you

 We could see bright lights through the   “Melati! Darma! Take our hands!” It was   are a news reporter. Interview the family and write about the family’s
 dark smoke on top of the volcano. It was   Mom and Dad. They dragged us up to the   day after the tsunami.
 Sunday night and I wanted to go home.  house as the water raged beneath us. We
 were safe.                     2.  Krakatoa re-erupted not long ago. Find another example of a recent
 “I’ve never seen anything like this,” said   volcanic eruption. Do a short presentation for the class.
 Auntie. “If you stay here, you’ll be safe.”  It was dark for many days after that. We
 were scared and hungry but we were alive.   3.  magine that you are Melati. Retell the story from Melati’s point
 When we woke up the next morning,   Anjer was flooded. The tsunami destroyed   of view.
 we couldn’t see the sun. At 10 o’clock    everything—houses, trees, people. We

 it was still dark. Everything was covered   never found Auntie and my cousins.
 in ashes.
 Most of the volcano on Krakatoa was
 “Mom and Dad are going to    destroyed. And I could no longer see it
 be worried. We have to go home,”    when I looked across the sea.
 I told Melati.

             Krakatoa Island, Indonesia

 164  Extended Reading                                                                                        165
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