Page 169 - Our World 2E_AmE_L5_SB -
P. 169

Let’s   Talk  Our presentation is about . . .

                I will . . .
                •  introduce ourselves.
                •  explain what our presentation is about.
                •  check with the audience.
 No way!        •  get started.

 I will . . .  3    Listen and read. TR: 9.12
 •  agree and disagee.
 •  discuss possibilities.
 •  ask for opinions.  Gaby:    Hello, everyone. I’m Gaby, and this is Berto.
                    Berto:      Our presentation is about vacations.
                    Gaby:       Today we’re going to show you our vacation brochure.
 1  Listen and read. TR: 9.11  Berto:  Our talk has two parts. So I’ll start, and then Gaby will continue.

                    Gaby:       Can everyone see?
 Maria:     Are there any good movies showing tonight, Carla?  Students:  Yes!
 Carla:     Well, there’s a comedy. What do you think, guys?  Berto:     Great. Let’s start.
 Ivana:  No way! Comedies are silly. What else is there?
 Carla:     Um, there’s an action film. What do you think?  Hello   I’m   .  Our presentation/   Can   Let’s start.
 Ivana:     Yes! Action films are the best!   (everyone).  This is   project is about . . .   everyone   Let’s get
                                                            Our talk compares
 Carla:     I suppose so. But sometimes    Good morning.             see/hear?      started.
 they are too violent.  Good afternoon,   My name’s                   with         .    Can you all    I’ll start/
 Maria:  Exactly! Isn’t there     everyone.  I’d like to  .  Today we’re going to        see/hear?      begin.
                                                            (show you / present)
 anything else?                            present                   .                                  will
                                                    .       Our talk has two parts.                     continue.

               4    Listen. Circle the object that students present in each discussion. TR: 9.13

                    1. Mia and Ivan are presenting          a. a brochure.     b. an invention.     c. a poster.

 What do you think?  No way!  What else is there?  I suppose so.  2. Sonia and Juan are presenting  a. a brochure.   b. an invention.   c. a poster.
 How about   ?  Definitely not!  Is(n’t) there anything else?  I guess so.
 Anything else?  Maybe.  5  Work in pairs. Prepare and practice presentations.
 Exactly!   Do you have any other ideas?  Possibly.
 Right!             1. Show the class a brochure you made for your project.
 Yeah, I agree.     2. Present an invention you created.
 Definitely!        3. Show the class a poster you made.

 2  Discuss. Work in groups of three. Use the chart. Talk about what to do

 this weekend.

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