Page 57 - Our World 2E_AmE_L5_SB -
P. 57

Review        4    Match the copycat animal. Find the photo that matches the text.

                      gecko                         mantid                        tawny frogmouth
 1  Listen and write. Carla is doing a survey about music. What are her

 questions? What do Laura and Andres answer? Complete the chart. TR: 3.8

 Questions  Laura  Andres
                    1.  This animal’s skin is as rough as a tree. It is brown like a tree, too!

 1.  hip-hop           That helps it hide from predators.
                    2.  This animal has feathers as brown as the color of wood. If it hears you,
                       it doesn’t move. It makes its body stiff. It looks just like a tree branch!
                    3. This animal imitates the color of a dead leaf. It uses the leaf as camouflage.

 He likes to sing. He   Even if you look for it, you will never see it!
 sang in public once.  5  Write. Continue the story. Work in groups of four. Choose a story. Read it

 4.  none           aloud. Then, add your own sentence to the story. Take turns. Then, share
                    your story with another group.

 2  Do a survey. Ask two other students the same questions. Take notes.

 3  Ask and answer. Work in groups of three. One of you is going on

 vacation to a place with extreme weather. How are you going to prepare?

 Take turns to ask questions and give advice.

 sandstorm             It is raining hard. Paolo runs                     A few friends met to play music.

 flood                 under a tree. Maria is already                     Paolo is good at playing guitar.
 ice storm             standing there, too. They can                      Maria has a pretty voice. Alba
 heat wave             hear thunder. Then, there is a                     has a drum. They talk about
 ever                  flash of lightning! Maria says ...                 what music to play.

 tornado  I’m going to Antarctica! That’s cool,   I’m going to bring very
 plan  isn’t it? Have you ever been there?  warm gloves!
 tropical storm
 No, I’ve never been there. What   If you go to Antarctica, you
 are you going to pack?  need more than warm gloves!

 54  Review Units 1–3                                                                                           55
   52   53   54   55   56   57   58   59   60   61   62