Page 76 - Impact of WfH study report _SCOPE-ILO_Neat
P. 76

Q.14    Considering we may be in the situation of working remotely for a while, is this
                   WfH model sustainable? Is WfH a work arrangement that could be considered in the
                   long term?

                   VI.    DIRECTOR GENERAL (DG) – SCOPE

                   Q.1    In your view, how SMART companies should react to the “new normal” – like
                       Work from Home (WfH) arrangement, under COVID?
                   Q.2    When adopting WfH arrangement due to crisis like COVID, what are some of
                       the key obligations companies have towards their employees?
                   Q.3    What  could  be  a  company’s  biggest  concern  with  a  high  percentage  of  its
                       employees working remotely?
                   Q.4    As an apex body of PSEs has SCOPE in any manner facilitated/contributed
                       towards improving the resilience of companies during the COVID crisis?
                   Q.5    How many member organisations of PSEs have a WfH policy? What guidance,
                       if any SCOPE provided for its members to draft a WfH policy? In your view, what
                       women  centric  and/or  gender  specific  aspects  a  company’s  WfH  policy  as
                       response to COVID must include?
                   Q.6    Statement: Due to WfH, many women are now more than ever faced with the
                       burden  of  “double  syndrome”:  e-managing  their  paid  work  with  unpaid  caring
                       responsibilities thereby risking falling behind in their work/careers. How true is this
                   Q.7    In light of this statement, please share you views whether COVID induced WfH
                       arrangement require companies to become more empathetic towards supporting
                       their women employees?
                   Q.8    Statement:  WfH  can  act  as  a  deterrent  especially  to  women  employees’
                       promotion and leadership aspirations. How true is this statement?
                   Q.9    In your view, does WfH arrangement require changes in company’s system of
                       appraising employee performance? Do you perceive that employees who had to
                       work from office will be at an advantage than those working from home during
                   Q.10  How does a company implement and meet its responsibilities concerning an
                       employee’s health and safety if they are working from home?
                   Q.11  In  your  view,  does  the  process  of  decision-making  works  effectively  in  a
                       company while it is supporting/implementing remote work culture? What could be
                       the possible challenges?
                   Q.12  Considering we may be in the situation of working remotely for a while, is this
                   Q.13  As an apex body for PSEs, what would you suggest as mechanisms, and with
                       respect  to  which  areas  of  work,  to  be  in  place  so  that  companies  can  assess
                       potential risks and define responses in such eventualities like COVID?

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