Page 9 - Impact of WfH study report _SCOPE-ILO_Neat
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A record number of 1969 women executives (E4-E9 level) from 50 SCOPE member
organizations participated in the online survey; and 78 KIIs were conducted in 22
select PSEs that included 14 CMDs
and 21 Heads of HR.
Six Key Dimensions of WfH
The study findings brought to light a Arrangement
number of issues, followed by a set of
recommendations streamlined into i. A well-defined Work from Home
guidelines for gender sensitive work Policy with unambiguous terms
from home policy in PSEs. The
highlighted issues, recommendations and conditions
and guidelines, revolve around six key ii. Provide Safe environment to
dimensions of WfH arrangement that employees to work without
the study broadly identified. These apprehensions
relate to having i. A well-defined WfH iii. Identify critical support systems to
policy to avoid ambiguity; ii. A safe
environment to work without fear or ensure continued operations
apprehensions; iii. Critical support iv. Decentralize decision making
systems isolated to enable business based on ground situations or
run on a continual basis; iv. A circumstances
decentralized decision making to v. A robust communication system
respond faster to snags and glitches; v.
A robust communication with suitable with suitable digital/technological
digital support; and vi. Well-defined support
measures to assess both productivity vi. Well defined measures to assess
and performance. productivity; besides, well defined
metrics to assess performance
Notable issues that emerged out of the
study findings can be summarized as
follows: Source: SCOPE-ILO WfH Study, 2020
Women Executives (n=1969)
1. Overall, there was a mixed response to adjusting to the new norm of WfH. As
mentioned, in a recent study (pre-COVID) conducted by SCOPE-ILO, majority of
women had suggested that given a choice, they would opt for Work from Home. In
the current study though, the mixed response is an indication that many now
having experienced the WfH arrangement, may not prefer it on a long term basis.
It is inferred from this that WfH was tried out during the most challenging
circumstances which may have added to the pressure on women to fulfill more
demands expected by them from families, merely because they were at home. It
may not have been so demanding with a normal support system operating (Pre-
COVID). Also, amongst other things, lack of a dedicated and compliant workspace,
with inadequate IT infrastructure at home was cited as a challenge, at times
discomforting to stay focused on work. Some (27.48%) even noted a lack of
inspirational work atmosphere at home.
2. Maximum number of respondents indicated that their company has no written WfH
Policy but issued guidelines/directives periodically. It was felt a written document