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                                                                                                                                                                       50 YEARS

           G I V I N G   B A C K

                                                                                                                                      stablished in 1969, Yamaha Canada   countries around the world.   introduction of a new logo for the year.
                                                  n early February, Yamaha Motor   Nine students, two teachers and a                  Music has been supplying Canadian   “Celebrating 50 years is a milestone for   The logo, created in-house, pairs the
                                                  Canada opened its doors to a small   principal received a tour of Yamaha Motor      customers with musical instruments   any company, and over that time, we have   official Yamaha logo with a bold number
                                               I group of passionate motorcycle   Canadas head office in Toronto, along with     and audio products in every corner of   not only helped create a generation of new   50 formed using the iconic symbol of
                                             enthusiasts from Clarkson Secondary School,   presentations from the sales, service, parts   the country. With a network of dealers   music-makers, we’ve contributed to the   Canada: the maple leaf. This new logo was
                                             located in Mississauga, ON.       & accessories, marketing, IT, and finance         that include national retail chains, family   careers and hobbies of countless musicians   designed to create a visual identity for the
                                              These high school students are part of an   departments. The group learned about the   businesses and independent stores, as well   for them to create art from the products   celebratory events and promotions that will
                                             extracurricular program where they rebuild   various teams and how each contributes to   as our many school locations, Yamaha is a   that we make” said Yamaha Canada Music   take place all year.
                                             old motorcycles and donate them to charity.   how Yamaha operates as a whole.       cornerstone of the Canadian music industry.   President, Kenichi Matsushiro.
                                             The club offers a safe place where kids can   “I’ve never seen the kids that happy    Initially located in Winnipeg, MB, a   “It’s a unique relationship that we share
                                             learn the basics of motorcycle maintenance.  and that engaged,” said Mary Zammit, the   new head office was opened in Toronto,   with our customers.”
                                              Yamaha was first introduced to the   principal at Clarkson Secondary School.       ON in 1976 and continues to serve the   To celebrate this important anniversary,
                                             group through a friend of Yamaha Financial   The day ended with a huge surprise     Canadian market today. The Corporate   Yamaha will present events throughout
                                             Services Business Development Manager,   for the students. Calautti presented them   Music School, the flagship for excellence in   the year. Of note is the special concert
                                             Sam Calautti. Calautti was told that the   with the ultimate gift: a Yamaha YZF-R6   music education, was moved to Markham   headlined by Tower of Power at Danforth
                                             group was always searching for used   sport bike to tear apart and rebuild. Since   in 2018 to further increase our efforts of   Music Hall in Toronto on June 25, part of
                                             motorcycles to restore, and his friend   their current project bike is a 1981 Yamaha   bringing music into the homes of as many   the 2019 Toronto Jazz Festival (the horn
                                             thought he might be a great resource.  TZ125, the students stand to learn a lot     people as possible. The foundation that   section has played Yamaha instruments on
                                              “Once I found out about why they needed   from the quarter-century evolution between   brought us to Canada remains our unique   stage and in recordings for many years).
                                             a motorcycle, I knew we needed to find a way   the two bikes!                       combination of music advocacy in private   There will also be promotions and special
                                             to help out,” Calautti said. “I loved the story,   “Ultimately, we showed them there’s   and public schools, along withour continued   offers throughout the summer and fall, as a   More information about the 50th
                                             how the teachers are taking these students   a world beyond high school that holds   innovation in both musical instruments and   way to show appreciation to the countless   anniversary of Yamaha Canada Music can
                                             and getting them to focus on making a   so much promise,” Calautti summarized.      audio products. Yamaha staff believes that   customers that have supported our   be found at
                                             positive contribution to their community while   “Hopefully this continues to fuel their   music is an important component in building   products for five decades.   events/2019/50th_anniversary.html or by
                                             nurturing their passion for motorcycles.”  learning and passion for motorsports.”   the social fabric of this country, and in many   One of the most visible initiatives is the   emailing

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