Page 9 - 2021-10 Courier website
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Shared Interest Group Announcements

                                     CRI Group                                                          Club Crafters, Continued

         At our September CRI Meeting, we had the honor of having SFC Brad       Sacramento Kids. SBSK provides handmade blankets to
         Nichols as one of our speakers. Having served in Afghanistan and having  children in the Sacramento and Placer Counties, in
         walked thru “Abby Gate” on numerous occasions, this is a very           addition to State and National emergencies. The
         emotional time for him, as it is for many of our Vets.  He started his   blankets are distributed to children in homeless shelters,
         presentation with a moment of silence for all the military personnel who  hospitals, schools, etc. We accept knitted, crocheted,
         died in the line of duty with a special emphasis on the 13 servicemen and  sewn, quilted, and no-sew fleece blankets from the
         women who died at Abby Gate.                                            community for donation.
         Brad eloquently spoke about how and why he joined the military.  He     We continue to give to Sacramento Shriners Hospital. Every year
         shared a funny story about a time when he was an instructor at a military  Shriners has a wish list of items they need; anyone in the community is
         base and encountered a very drunk enlisted man, a latrine and $5.50.    welcome to contribute. All of these are great projects to give back to the
         Those of you who attended will remember that story. He went on to       community while doing something fun with your neighbors. If you have
         describe what “Patriotism” means to him and how it’s changed over the   craft items to donate, we are happy to take them. For more information
         years.                                                                  about our group, projects, or to donate items, contact Denise Caputo at
         He discussed “Presentism”, judging history by the standards of today.    916-782-1663 or email
         We should learn from the past and use it to affect positive change today.
         Our second speaker was Bruce Houdesheldt, Vice Mayor of Roseville.                                  Club Trekkers
         He works for the Water Board.  He stated that Roseville is very lucky
         because we have our own water reservoirs and power grids.  He also                  The Club Trekkers try to arrange two hikes a week on
         served on the Public Utilities Commission and the Planning                          Tuesdays and Saturdays, if a location can be identified with
         Commission.                                                                         acceptable weather and air quality.  Emails are sent out a
         He explained that part of the reason for the drought this year was that the         couple of days before each hike to residents who have joined
         snow fell on dry ground and the water was absorbed instead of flowing               the Club Trekkers using their Profile page on the Club’s
         into Folsom Lake.  We will get through this year and Roseville is already           website.  For October some of our hikes are going into the
         preparing for 2022.  He envisions the Sites Reservoir, which has been on  dry part of Folsom Lake’s lakebed to see remnants of old water channels
         the books since 1974, finally being approved in 18 months.  This new    and natural springs, and learn some of the history of the area.  Folsom
         reservoir will not compete with Shasta Lake so it should be a new source  Lake is about 35 feet lower than it was this time last year—should be
         of water in the future.                                                 interesting.
         Homelessness in Roseville was discussed, and Bruce said that the city is
         very actively trying to help these people with housing and social                     Club Quilters ~ Quilters inspiring Quilters
         services.  If anyone notices any issue with homeless in their area, Bruce
         said to contact him.  His email is:       We meet the 2nd and 4th Fridays at 10:00 a.m. in The Library.   If you
         We ended our meeting by acknowledging the 76th Anniversary of VJ        have any questions please call Carol 361-290-3222
         Day on September 2nd, the 9th Anniversary of the attack on Benghazi
         and the 20th Anniversary of 9-11.                                                                   Club Veterans
         We are having a BBQ on October 2nd instead of our usual meeting.  We
         will have great food, entertainment, and guest speakers.  Hope to see you  The good news is we have had our first gathering and
         there.                                                                  business meeting of our membership. Covering a lot
         For information about our group, contact Randy at                       of ground, the membership was brought up to date  To join our group, contact Alice at              and what we plan to complete for the remaining time  As always check out our web page on the HOA        of this year.
         web site at .                       In addition, we’ve gained three new members to the group through our
                                                                                 recruiting efforts so, to all “Welcome Aboard!” We could stand to have a
                                   Chair Volleyball                              few more; please consider joining us and remember you do not have to
                                                                                 be a veteran to be a member. We are open to the community.
                 We are currently playing the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays at          I’m also happy to report that our Club Board member Stan Kasperik is
                 7pm.  RSVP to Dow by 4pm on the day of to make sure we have  back after his illness and doing well. Soon, we hope he will be back
                 enough people to play.  Dow Sager 916-997-6543.  Join us!       working as our Financial Officer once again.
                                                                                 By the time you read this report the Annual BBQ will have already been
                                                                                 held. It suffices to say we had another “Sell Out” event for a great cause
                                     Club Crafters
                                                                                 and what to say thank you so much to all for supporting our community
         Every Tuesday 10AM join us at the club. Whatever your craft, learn new  effort for Veteran’s in need. Lastly, many thanks and kudos to Dick Holt,
         skills, complete unfinished projects, expand your abilities while enjoying  his crew and all the volunteers for doing another outstanding job for our
         the company of your friends and neighbors.                              Vets. See you all again in the Spring of 2022.
         Our ongoing project is making blankets for Sacramento Blankets for

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