Page 6 - 2021-10 Courier website
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FROM YOUR ASSISTANT GENERAL MANAGER NEXT Board Meeting at The Retreat and on Zoom
Christina Romero Wednesday, October 13th at 5:00 p.m. NEXT ARC Meeting at The Retreat
Tuesday, October 26th at 8:30 a.m.
Hello Members~
First off, I wanted to give a big Thank You to every- sure to read the top page of your application which states, very clearly,
one for being patient with me during my absence last what is required for your particular request. Everyone in the office is
month. I believe I was able to cover just about everything that came more than happy to provide you with that detail page at any time. All
my way, but if I missed you, it was not intentional. One of my main you need to do is ask.
concerns was getting to all the ARC applications that were coming in.
I must say that you were all very busy with modifications! Should you request something other than what is on an approved list,
be sure to notate on your application that you are asking for a variance
This month I would like to reiterate some reminders for ARC Modifi- and the reason. The “list” can be found in the ARC guidelines for
cation Applications so that if / when you do decide to submit an ARC most items. Some variances are necessary; others are desired. Should
application, the submittal is as complete as possible. No one wants to there be something that you would like to change, but cannot locate
feel they have submitted a complete application to be told something any information in the ARC guidelines, please let me know and I will
was amiss. assist you with the procedure.
Although you are required to schedule an appointment with me to drop Also, if possible, please attend the ARC meeting in which your appli-
off your application for review; you are still expected to make sure cation will be reviewed. This is the best time to discuss with the com-
that all the paperwork and documents that are required are included. I mittee something that could be a very simple change at the time of the
am more than happy to review the application with you for accuracy; meeting instead of denying your entire application and waiting for the
but please keep in mind I am not responsible for anything other than following month to resubmit. ARC meetings are held the 4th Tuesday
accepting, saving, and submitting your application to the Committee
for review. They make the final decision on all submissions. Please be of each month at 8:30am at The Retreat.
Shannon Van Every Loomis Basin Brewery (Off-Site) Fri., Oct. 1st 2:00pm Comedy Night Sun., Oct. 10th 7:00pm
916-771-7801 Sew EZ Class Wed., Oct;. 13th 10:00am
Roseville Historical Society Tues., Oct. 19th 2:00pm
Decorating - would you like to help decorate The Retreat Christmas
Tree? Please contact me by November 1st. Board of Directors Meeting Wed., Oct. 13th 5:00pm
Knife Sharpening Thur., Oct. 21st 9:00am
Feature Resident - my apologies to Phyllis Frank for some errors that I New Homeowner Orientation Mon., Oct. 25th 5:30pm
made in her article that ran last month. We are running it again with the ARC Meeting Tues., Oct. 26th 8:30am
corrections, if you are interested in being a Featured Resident please contact Howl-loween, Dog Costume Contest Thur., Oct. 28th 11:00am
Debbie Ferris. Pumpkin Carving Contest Fri., Oct. 29th 9:00am
Audie Murphy Story “To Hell & Back” Tues., Nov. 9th 7:00pm
Fitness October - the fitness class schedule can be found on page 13. Cheers to Your Health Workshop Mon., Nov. 15th 9:30am
Please note that Total Body Conditioning, Zumba, and Pilates will be on
hold until Brandi returns on October 20th. A sub has been hired to teach Food & Wine Fair Thur., Nov. 18th 2:00pm
Strong & Stable. Craft Fair Sat., Dec. 4th 10:00am
Courier - I am very thankful when a resident provides a suggestion for the newsletter. For example, Ron Latta suggested collecting remodel
photos and it was fun to see what everyone sent in. A suggestion was made to me recently and I can not find my note as to what the suggestion
was and who asked me, please remind me!
Emails - please be aware that emails are sent several times a week from the HOA through the community website. If you are not
receiving our emails please check your junk/spam folder. Our emails are sent to over 1,000 email addresses and are viewed as spam for several
email providers. If you are having trouble with our emails going to your spam folder you can try to make a contact for us in your email address
book, our email is
New Homeowner Orientation - this months Orientation will be on Monday, October 25th at 5:30pm. RSVP in advance at The Retreat.
October 2021 Page 6